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[TenTec] 238-A Tuner Color

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] 238-A Tuner Color
From: Wa4aos@aol.com (Wa4aos@aol.com)
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 11:38:39 EDT
I just talked with Stan at Ten Tec about the possibility of making a run of 
the 238-A Tuner in Corsair Gray to match the Corsair II, Omni 5 and 6, and 
the Paragons.He said that he didn't think they would do that since they need 
sufficient order quantity to justify doing the production run. I think the 
238-A would bebeautiful in Corsair Gray and told him that I will give a 
confirmed order for at least one. Anyone else interested ? ? ?
Let them know ! ! ! 
I think it's great that they are offering the new speaker with a color option 
! ! !

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