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[TenTec] eHam reviews....

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] eHam reviews....
From: wn3vaw@fyi.net (Ron Notarius WN3VAW)
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 21:10:58 -0400
Ah, but it's a careful knife edge to walk.  Should Ten Tec threaten to pull
their ads due to the fact that eHam is permitting obvious (to us) smears as
2nd hand negative ads, then Ten Tec gets accused of trying to force eHam of
showing bias in their favor.

Reservations by the editor of the reviews regarding Ten Tec (or any other
manufacturer) equipment does not neccesarily mean that the owners of eHam
have the same reservations.  Most of the editors for the various parts of
eHam are volunteers with no other connection to eHam.

Besides, consider this:  eHam.net and contesting.com have the same
ownership.  Now, how many reflectors does contesting.com host?  That should
tell you something to.

Having said that, I think it is our responsibility, as amateurs and users of
eHam.net & contesting.com,  to request that NO "2nd hand" reviews of ANY
kind for ANY product be accepted in the future, and all existing ones should
be dropped (as reviews) on the grounds that they are too prone to unfair
bias.  If you don't have hands on experience with an item, then you are not
reviewing, you are voicing an opinion.   Reviews should require some factual
basis (yes, I know they don't always, but that's another story).  Opinions
don't (yes, they should too, but again...).

73, ron wn3vaw

'Never attribute to malice that which is adequately
  explained by stupidity.' --Hanlon's Razor

----- Original Message -----
From: J. Duffy Beischel <duffyb01@fuse.net>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>; Robert & Rebecca Coykendall
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] eHam reviews....

If I were Scott, I consider withdrawing all advertisements from eHam until
they start acting responsibly.  Second, if the
guy has reservations about TT, TT probably does not want to advertise with
them anyway. I mean I would not want to
put my money where it's not appreciated and the other company does not
respect your product.

As for the other happy TT owners out there, keep those positive posting
coming and if the children keep posting
negative ones over and over, keep posting the postive ones over and over.
And if you have a friend that has a Jupiter,
make sure you post those third party impressions since eHam says it is o.k.
Help your friends out.


4/26/2002 12:53:03 PM, Robert & Rebecca Coykendall <becnbob@succeed.net>

>After extended communications with eHam's Reviews editor,  I came to the
>conclusion that eHam accepts 2nd hand submissions as valid... which
>any sense of fairness... as there have been several Jupiter reviews that
>have been submitted by 'friends' of Joop owners... and interestingly, all
>have been very negative in their assessments.  Some of the most negative
>reviews clearly demonstrate that their authors were clueless in learning
>very basics of Jupiter operation, thus their criticisms were essentially
>bogus.  One lid didn't even know how to change the Joop's display contrast.
>If one carefully examines these nefarious reviews, one will quickly come to
>the conclusion that these are nothing more than 'hit pieces' against
>in general and the Jupiter specifically... and if I were Scott Robbins, I
>would write a news article for submission to eHam to set the record
>straight... and name some names... or should I say call signs, of eHam
>review writers that never even bought Jupiters from Ten-Tec.  He should
>this information readily at hand, as Ten-Tec only sells Jupiters from its
>The eHam editor even admitted that he had reservations(read: bias) about
>Ten-Tec product quality.... thus I think we Jupiter owners need to take
>reviews with a grain of salt or complain to the Reviews editor directly, as
>I've done several times.  I feel I have been successful in having a few of
>these obvious 'hit pieces' expunged and the editor told me that they
>generally outlaw repetitive reviews of particular products by a single
>'reviewer' - unless it is a follow-up review offering new useful, or
>corrective information.
>Just my 2ยข worth....
>TenTec mailing list

J. Duffy Beischel - Amateur Radio WB8NUT - http://www.wb8nut.com

Member of: ARRL, NRA, Kiwanis, Republican Party, Masons, and Shriners
and the vast Right Wing conspiracy to get the Clintons

"If the government owned all the guns, would we still be a free people?"

"Taxation WITH Representation is not that great either."

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