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[TenTec] Jupiter takes an UNFAIR Beating

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Jupiter takes an UNFAIR Beating
From: duffyb01@fuse.net (duffyb01@fuse.net)
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 14:46:35 -0400
Actually, he gave it a bad rating THREE times.  His previous call is W0AKR.  I 
did a little research.  Of course I put in THREE 5 ratings to try and 
counteract this BS he's pulling.


> From: Wa4aos@aol.com
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
> Date: 2002/04/26 Fri PM 01:56:18 EDT
> To: tentec@contesting.com
> Subject: [TenTec] Jupiter takes an UNFAIR Beating
> It seems that there are a few Hams that have a slanderous agenda and could 
> careless about being honest in their assessment of a particular rig. I submit 
> that one such person is W0BKR who gave the Jupiter a ZERO rating, not once 
> but twice. He, like the rest of the Amateur Radio Community understands Ten 
> Tec's unbelievable and unparalleled policy of allowing one to purchase their 
> products, use them for a month and if not satisfied, return the items for a 
> FULL REFUND. Ask your car dealer if they will give you the same offer, if you 
> want to see them laugh in your face. 
> In My humble opinion, any company who is willing to provide that kind of 
> WARRANTY   gets a 3.0 rating from the get-go before the rig is out of the 
> box. Then the technical merits are weighed against other comparably priced 
> products and factored against the company's service policy and reputation. I 
> have played with the Jupiter and I would not give it a perfect 5.0 but I 
> believe a 4.5 would be reasonable; in my humble opinio. I prefer my Omni 6 + 
> but then, the 6+ is a MUCH more expensive rig. The Jupiter was not designed 
> to be a replacement for an Omni 6 or other, much more expensive rigs.
> For W0BKR to give the Jupiter a zero rating twice is unconscionable and 
> demonstrates his unwillingness to be honest and or fare.  If you cast stones, 
> don't be surprised if you drop one on your own foot.
> Glenn   WA4AOS
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