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[TenTec] PSK and the Scout...continued

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] PSK and the Scout...continued
From: brian@iquest.net (Brian)
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 12:37:28 -0500
OK..I got my old DX440 shortwave receiver out and hooked it up to my
computer and digipan.  Works EXCELLENT.  No squeal.

Perhaps I'm getting RF on the MIC IN line when I have it hooked to my
scout, but where is it coming from?  The squealing only occurs when
I'm listening, doesn't start until about a minute after I begin the

My antenna is a 16 guage stranded bare wire dipole in my attic fed
with RG8X coax to a Ten Tec antenna tuner. I have coax (RG58 probably)
jumped connecting the radio to the antenna tuner.  SWR tunes down to
about 1:1

I never hear this squeal start when just running CW with headphones
plugged in...just when the head phone jack is plugged into the MIC IN
jack of my PC.

Any clues?

 KB9BVN NORCAL 2792 FISTS 5695 QRP-L 1540 QRP-ARCI 10223
       39.558 N   86.095 W   Johnson Co., Indiana
   GRID: EM69WN - Ten Tec Scout - Attic Dipole - 5w
 Proud to be a member of the American Radio Relay League
   FISTS Century Club #764/#24 QRP - Flying PIG QRP #-57

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