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[TenTec] OMNI-VI Plus features lost from OMNI-V?

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] OMNI-VI Plus features lost from OMNI-V?
From: JimN0OCT@aol.com (JimN0OCT@aol.com)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 12:59:58 EDT
In a message dated 28-Sep-99 11:23:02 Central Daylight Time, 
00tlzivney@bsuvc.bsu.edu writes:

>  1.  A number of big-time contesters have dinged the OMNI VI for not having
>  a monitor function for SSB.  yet the OMNI-V review clearly notes the 
> presence
>  of a monitor knob!  Did this disappear on the OMNI-VI?  How about adding
>  this back?  Is there documentation on this?

Yes, there is a mod for this.  It was supplied to the TT list about two years 
ago.  It consists of a couple of capacitors and resistors, if I recall 
correctly.  It was supplied by the guys at TT.  Anybody have a copy of this?  
I do, but the *.jpg file is really huge.  If you want me to email it to you, 
let me know.

73, Jim 

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