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[TenTec] Paddles?

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Paddles?
From: weingaertner@nac.net (Robert Weingaertner)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 20:48:18 -0400
I remember that quite a few years ago, the Brown Brothers tooling
was for sale, but I have no idea if anyone bought it. They are really
nice paddles. Perhaps some of the key dealers and collectors would
know. There are a  lot of them on the web, so some inquiries might
be fruitful. Maybe the FISTS people know something. 

Funny, there is so much talk of the demise of CW, yet interest in CW
actually seems to be growing.

                73, Bob

Gary E. J. Bold wrote:
> Hi all,
> I heard a rumour that somebody had bought up the dies
> used to produce the Brown Brothers paddles of yesteryear,
> and planned to produce them again.
> Is this true?   If so, who is producing them?
> 73, Gary ZL1AN
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