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[TenTec] question, please help

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] question, please help
From: stevebaron@starlinx.com (Steve Baron)
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 17:04:03 -0000
It is  bit complicated and takes a while to get used to how it works.

IMHO, TenTec blew it by not having a RIT/XIT.

Try tuning up the band with a constants RIT offset.
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Howell <whowell@hq.nasa.gov>
To: tentec@contesting.com <tentec@contesting.com>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 1:48 PM
Subject: [TenTec] question, please help

>ok, this might seem ignorent, but well I really am embarassed to admitt
>this problem. I am a little confused over the split mode of operation with
>the Omni V.
>I zero beat a station, I sometimes forget to hit the a=b button and find
>myself xmitting on another band<g>. So, to clear up some confusion
>if you have the split mode on, tune a station, you are only tuning the rcvr
>and not the xmitter correct? To tune the xmitter, you'd need to switch to
>the B vfo or have I got something wrong. I may not be operating the rig
>unfortunately, being blind, I have no way to know if the rig is on the A or
>B vfo unless I remember where it was. This is not a big problem and I
>occationally have my Xyl check to be sure I haven't forgotten. What I am
>trying to accomplish is the same function as a rit.
>So, any clarification on split mode, how best to utilize my rig's features
>to obtain a rit setup, and any other info pertaining, would be greatfully
>I lost a contact yesterday for that dumb thing I did. It was't funny cause
>I realized I was interfering with a qso in progress. That's not to good<g>.
>I think I just need to know where I'll be xmitting when running the rig in
>split ops. If your on vfo A, you go to B for adjusting the rcvr signal, and
>you switched back to A I assume you'd xmit on A.
>If you just zero beat a station, but do not hit A=B and just start
>xmitting, I assume you'd be on B and whereever that was last is where your
>wow! got to get this straight.<g>
>tnx es 73 de Scott/n3byy
>Laurel MD
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