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[TenTec] OmniVI+ -- a Joy

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] OmniVI+ -- a Joy
From: jreid@aloha.net (Jim Reid)
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 09:40:45 -1000

>How is the new Ten-Tec transceiver working?  As good as you thought it
>I live in a restricted area where no antennas can be "visible" to any of
>my neighbors, so I utilize attic dipoles for all bands.  I do fairly well
>but I could do a little better if I had a good, sensitive, selective,
>low-noise receiver.  Fortunately, my location is quite noise free.  I
>would appreciate any comment you might have.

Aloha Fred,

Thanks for your note.  Have you t tried a balloon to raise your after
dark verticals?;  maybe it is too windy there to try,  certainly is
too windy out here!!

Yes,  I  am thrilled with the Omni.  But at the moment I am completely
re-working the set up in my small radio shack room.  So I have most
of my gear out of here, while I set up some shelves to better
arrange the gear.  I am sort of following the shelf set up
by Val,  NrRJ's,  rig plan,  to see his set up,  have a look at:


Once I get the thing built up,  I will begin to bring each item 
back in here,  and very neatly,  I hope,  rewire/cable all together
and eliminate the amazing rat's nest of wires,  coax,  ground
strap,  etc.  from what has been in here these past 7 years!!

73,  Jim,  KH7M


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