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[TenTec] fs-Triton II & 252G supply

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] fs-Triton II & 252G supply
From: RLucch2098@aol.com (RLucch2098)
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 22:11:42 EST
Hi Guys:
I have for SALE:
Triton II in exc. condx, no manual, 75 watts out on 80, 50 watts out on 10.
Made contacts easily on 20 mtrs. Seems a bit weak on rcve but may have been
condx. Also needle(pointer) seems to hang up and goes slanted at the end of
travel. I've seen a few tritons like this, why, Hi!
252G supply not working but in exc. shape also. Problem may be the bias
transistor, so I've been told by my tech friend. No time or experience to fix.
Price is $150 plus shipping from 11758
Thanks es 73....Rich WA2RQY (1961)
WA2RQY's "confusion Radio" Web-Page
"Keep those heaters on"

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