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[TenTec] Corsair alignment problem

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Corsair alignment problem
From: k5gq@juno.com (C M Tyler)
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 06:10:49 -0600
I am having a problem aligning the Pass Band Tuning. 
Just can't seem to get the two backgroung hisses (audio output background
noise when one changes between SB-N and SB-R) to be approximately the
same. Although the instructions state - NOT CRITICAL. I believe I have a
problem here when using PBT to hear a station..

 Is there another way? (If one has access to lab equipment)

Mark Tyler
K5GQ/m Houston TX
QRP-L 794             ARRL VE since 85

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