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[TenTec] Wanted: RS-232 board and Ghiel chip for Paragon

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Wanted: RS-232 board and Ghiel chip for Paragon
From: PEF@SNI.DK (Peter Frenning)
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 09:09:47 +0200
>-----Original Message-----
>From:  Roger Cook " KO4O" [SMTP:rcook@hiwaay.net]
>Sent:  Tuesday, September 30, 1997 12:08 PM
>To:    Peter Frenning
>Subject:       Re: [TenTec] Wanted: RS-232 board and Ghiel chip for Paragon
>Peter Frenning wrote:
>> Hi Landen,
>> I just got the Giehl firmware, for my newly acquired Paragon, from the
>> man himself:
>> snip
>Hello Peter,
> I have the Paragon and I love it but Im always interested in an
>upgrade. Could you tell me any advantages it has over the original.
>73 Roger,KO4O
Hi Roger,

I have submitted this reply to the reflector as well, since it may be of
interest to others:
This is quoted from an email from Jack Giehl:

"Yes, the chip is available.  What follows is a summary of the 
enhancements that the Ten Tec Paragon upgrade chip provides.

Ham bands can be accessed by either the ham up and ham
down keys or by 1 through 9 on the keypad. 
Band registers have been added to store the last vfo
requency, mode, and filter for all nine ham bands.
The latest memory channel number accessed is retained for later use.
The vfo tuning rate resolution is user selectable. Each vfo has an
offset of +/- 99.99 kHz and simultaneous receive and transmit offsets
are possible. A 10 minute timer can be turned on to remind the
operator to identify. A symbol appears to the right of the 10 Hz
display when transmitting. Memory Tune and Memory Scan can be operated
without affecting the vfo. The Date and Clock set use the vfo knob to
make changes. The clock displays hours, minutes, and seconds. The
Memory scan routine uses the vfo knob to set the speed of the scan.
The voice function has an enhanced mode to provide additional
information to the operator. The frequency display blanks leading
zeroes and decimal points. Zero is now displayed without a slash. Many
functions such as VOICE can now be activated while transmitting. The
up and down keys can have an increment value selected by the operator
of 100 kHz and 1 mHz or 10 kHz and 5 kHz.  The 5 kHz increment is
useful for short wave listening, and the 10 kHz increment is useful
for AM Broadcast reception. Two additional memory channels have been
added to create a total of 64 memory channels (00 to 63) plus the
Scratch Pad.

The chip and full documentation is available for $49 shipped from:

Jack Giehl
2780 Fields Ertel Road
Loveland, Ohio  45140

Please include the current version of the TenTec software in your
radio. The version is printed on the label that is on top of the ROM
chip on the RAM-ROM-RTC board.  (may be 3.8 or 4.0)"

I can only add that I've found that his FW improved an already very good
radio immensely in the user interface area, and that I'm very happy I
sprang the 50 bucks for it.

I have no relation to Jack whatsoever, other than as a very satisfied

73 de OZ1PIF, Peter

*********************************   OZ1PIF
Peter Frenning, UNIX Product Mgr., Siemens-Nixdorf DK, Ph.: +45 4477
Snailmail: Dybendalsvaenget 3, 2630 Taastrup, Denmark, Fax: +45 4477
                Email: pef@sni.dk, (NERV: pfrenning.cph)
X400: C=DK; A=400NET; P=SCN; O=SNI; S=Frenning; G=Peter; OU1=CPH1;
***********  Come visit us on the web; URL http://www.sni.dk

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