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[CQ-Contest] Using Split in a contest

To: CQ-Contest Reflector <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Using Split in a contest
From: Art Boyars <artboyars@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 21:36:01 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Over on the N1MM reflector a discussion started about yea/NAY! running
split ina contest.  (It was appropriate there because it started with
somebody having an N1MM-specific problem running split.)

Most everybody agrees that running split(to move the pileup off your tx
freq) is BAD, except for non-USA on 40M phone.

I use split another way.  For many years, when running I sometimes go split:

VFO A  freq -> VFO B; then split, and transmit on VFO B, listen on VFO A.

That way, I can use the finger-familiar Big Knob to tune in off-freq
callers instead of having to use the
teeny-tiny-can't-grab-it-with-fat-fingers RIT knob.  (This worked with my
TS-850 and works with my TS-590SG.)

Works great for me, and I've seen some good operators do it, too.

(I recently learned about N1MM's mouse-wheel RIT feature.  I might try to
learn that, but these days any elevation angle above 5-deg is a steep
learning curve.)

73, Art K3KU
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