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[CQ-Contest] RCA Transatlantic QSO Party this weekend

To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] RCA Transatlantic QSO Party this weekend
From: "Tim Duffy" <k3lr@k3lr.com>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2021 16:26:24 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
You Are Invited--RCA QSO Party Kicks off Transatlantic Centennial

Few dates are more important in ham radio than December 11, 1921. That’s when 
members of the Radio Club of America (RCA) and the American Radio Relay League 
(ARRL) successfully transmitted signals that spanned the Atlantic Ocean. The 
100th anniversary of that day is upon us and YOU are invited to celebrate!




During the month of November, 1921, a group of Radio Club of America members, 
led by Major Edwin Armstrong quickly pulled together an amateur radio 
transmitting station in Greenwich Connecticut. It was the cutting edge of the 
era: a nearly thousand watt CW station at the (considered useless) ‘shortwaves’ 
 (just below the present 160m band). On the other end, in Ardrossan Scotland, 
Armstrong’s new superheterodyne receiver combined with RCA member Harold 
Beverage’s new ‘wave’ antenna allowed state of the art receive selectivity and 
sensitivity. The missing piece? The ionosphere: speculated to exist and to work 
for long distance at the new shortwaves. On December 11, 1921, it all came 
together and station 1BCG made it across, the first of about two dozen amateur 
radio stations heard.    


The importance? Notes RCA President John Facella, K9FJ: “Hams, through the 
innovations of the RCA members, used ingenuity, smaller, state of the art 
electronic equipment, and new bands and mode to connect the continents. That 
set the pace for the 100 years of smaller and higher performance 
telecommunications wonders that followed, making a truly connected world.” Yes, 
the world owes it to ham radio!




The Radio Club of America is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the 
Transatlantic Test by hosting a CW and SSB QSO Party from 1200Z, November 13 to 
0400Z, November 14. We will all contact each other—not just special event 
stations. Open to ALL hams and shortwave listeners on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 
10 meters, with 10 bonus points awarded (per band and mode) for contacting 
Radio Club of America’s station, W2RCA.  Scores should be posted to 3830 Scores 


You can find all the rules and more information about additional events 
commemorating the Transatlantic Test’s centennial:


Transatlantic Test Centennial - Radio Club of America


A free certificate will be available, along with a complimentary copy of the 
commemorative RCA Proceedings, from the RCA site.




The RCA Transatlantic QSO Party is held as a centennial  anniversary 
commensurate with the  building of TX station in November. Note that this is 
the ONLY participatory QSO event for the Transatlantic Centennial, so plan your 
celebration now😊


But…stay tuned… the Radio Club of America will be RE-ENACTING the TRANSATLANTIC 
TRANSMISSIONS at 02:52 UT on 12 December on 160m with W2RCA. More info to come!


The Antique Wireless Association(AWA), American Radio Relay League(ARRL), The 
Radio Society of Great Britain(RSGB), Radio Club of America(RCA), and others 
all are participating in the Transatlantic Centennial festivities  Watch for 
additional news pieces as the month progresses!


(text by W1YW and KE8JFW)


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