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Re: [CQ-Contest] An identifier for Multiple QSO Parties?

To: Lloyd Cabral <KH6LC@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] An identifier for Multiple QSO Parties?
From: Stanley Zawrotny <k4sbz.stan@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 3 May 2021 21:16:41 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Were  you calling CQ 7QP from Florida or Hawaii? Calling CQ 7QP indicates that 
you are operating in-state in the 7th call area. If you are not in-state, you 
should call CQ 7 and leave off the QP. Even better is to call “CQ 7 from 

You have to remember that calling CQ in state QSO parties is different from 
other contests. You have to use the proper protocol to indicate whether you are 
an in-state station or are out-of-state trying to make contact with someone 

They probably thought you were located in the 7th call area and hoped to add a 
Q for working someone who was portable 7.

You can’t be operating in-state in multiple QPs, so CQ MP isn’t logical. Plus, 
many of the in-state operators are just casual once-a-year contesters. You 
would be lucky if someone in-state in IN would recognize that MP was inclusive. 
They would only respond to CQ IN.

Stan, K4SBZ

"Real radio bounces off the sky."

> On May 3, 2021, at 3:12 PM, Lloyd Cabral <KH6LC@hotmail.com> wrote:
> This past weekend included a multitude of State QSO Parties.      This year 
> I was only interested in operating the 7QP.
> Despite calling CQ 7QP, I was often called by stations in the other QSO 
> Parties.     Perhaps it's time for a CQ to indicate
> you're into all the QSO Parties.     We currently call CQ 7QP,  NE, IN or DE 
> to play in one of them.     How about something
> like CQ MP to confirm you're operating in Multiple QSO Parties?      If 
> you're playing in all of them, call CQ MP.      Without
> a unique identifier, many stations assume you're participating in all of 
> them.      Seems like it would be an easy fix.
>                    73 & Aloha,
>                   Lloyd  KH6LC
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