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[CQ-Contest] FT4 - Robotic Contesting

Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT4 - Robotic Contesting
From: K3TN via CQ-Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Reply-to: jpescatore@aol.com
Date: Wed, 1 May 2019 10:44:50 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I've been participating in the FT4 testing, and I'll be doing a talk at Dayton 
on the Future of FT8 (and FT4) in Contesting at the Digital Contest Forum on 
Friday May 17th at 1015 at Dayton/Xenia.  I'll be discussing the issues of 
automation and multiplexing that FT8/FT4 bring to contesting. 
I've talked with ARRL and CQ contest sponsors about these issues, they both 
handle them a bit differently. The major issues about automation are really in 
the WSJT-X software, not in the FT8 or FT4 protocols themselves. 
73 John K3TN

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