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[CQ-Contest] Country file errors from CQWW SSB?

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Country file errors from CQWW SSB?
From: "Jim Reisert AD1C" <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 16:47:31 +0000
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hi Folks,

I am aware of one error in the contest country files:

  NP2N was in Puerto Rico, not USA.
  My automatic USA exception call checker missed this one.

Any other problems?  I can release a new file "whenever".

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.us

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