On Jul 1, 2009, at 7:16 PM, David Levine wrote:
> For an ARRL contest, what determines the club category a specific club
> is in? If I look in the current July QST, my small local club called
> Bergen ARA is listed in the Local category for the ARRL 10 meter
> contest and in the Medium category in the January VHF Sweepstakes.
> Same club both times.
It's certainly possibly for a local club to complete in the medium or
unlimited categories. A local club with more than 10 entries certainly
qualifies for the medium category, and with more than 50 entries
qualifies for the unlimited category.
I do think that the ARRL sometimes makes mistakes in this area, as the
converse is not true. A medium or unlimited category club with only 10
or fewer entries does not necessarily qualify for the local category,
because of the radius requirements.
There's also a requirement that the club inform the ARRL who is
eligible as a member of the club. I don't think that the ARRL
administers this that closely -- if someone submitted a score for a
club, but wasn't on the official roster, it's not clear that the ARRL
would ignore that score for the club totals.
Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL Mail: aa4lr@arrl.net
Web: http://boringhamradiopart.blogspot.com
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901
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