after finishing fussling around with my new converter, experimenting with
FT241 xtals etc, my 160 meter dxpidition receiver ends up as:
6SN7 rf amp (cathode follower/grounded grid amp), tuning on both input
and output coils
6SN7 pullen mixer, 12 SK7 HFO - voltage adjusted for best mixer output
a QF-1 connected to the pullen IF transformer plate
a BC453 tuning from 450 to 460 Khz
the selectivity of the FT 241`xtals was pretty good, but i lost the
ability to tune the IF frequency, so i decided to use the QF-1 as it will
tune across 10 KHz with the front knob
that coupled with the 6AG7 VFO and modified hw16 will put a low power
station on the 160m band.
will use an inverted L antenna; with two radials, and fed with 300 ohm
twin lead, to a link coupled antenna tuner.
Nebraska should be amply represented both for the Wednesday AWA contest
and the CQWW160.
hope to work all of you
mike w7dra
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