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[CQ-Contest] Unsportsmanlike conduct

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Unsportsmanlike conduct
From: km9m-zig@attbi.com (S. Markowski Jr.)
Date: Mon Mar 31 03:20:59 2003
Barry wrote:
> I noted, during the WPX contest, that EO6F was calling CQ CONTEST NO 
> USA, in protest of the ongoing war.
> This is a real shame, as historically, amateur radio has pretty much 
> kept political differences out of the hobby. 
> I believe EO6F should be disqualified from the contest for his 
> unsportsmanlike conduct.  If you feel the same way, please email the 
> contest director (K6AW@CQWW.COM), as I have done.
> 73,
> Barry--
> Barry Kutner, W2UP              

I agree 100%, and have already emailed the Contest director.  Darn shame!
Zig Markowski KM9M

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