Once again, thanks for the fantastic inputs you've provided to previous
columns. We have a very interesting hardware topic this time: Recycled
Aluminum. Here is the topic as stated in the March-April issue of NCJ:
Recycled Aluminum
It is often cheaper to rebuild an old beam than to buy new. What are your
favorite rebuilding tips? What are the best systems to rebuild? Where do you
find replacement parts? Is it worth salvaging old or broken/bent systems? How
do you use new design software to make the ?resurrected? system even more
capable? What physical and durability improvements do you recommend?
Additional thoughts: Has anyone made hybrid beams using, for example, a
trapped reflector of one manufacturer and driven element of another. N4BP has
used one half of a trapped triabander driven element on his camper as a
vertical, anyone else tried either this are a variation of this?
Again, it is your insight and inputs that has made this column interesting and
fun for me, and hopefully for the rest of the contest community.
Thanks in advance for your inputs.
Paul, K5AF