I've seen several posts on this topic recommending Zulu as a good letter to
have in your call.
I don't like to even think about how many times I had to repeat Zulu - Zebra
- Zanzibar on phone! If I got through 3 QSOs without repeating it (sometimes
several times!!) I felt good. And I try REALLY hard to enunciate and speak
clearly, btw.
Now that I rarely do phone contests I get to correct k4beu to k4beV V V a
couple of times a cw contest.... Nothing like that darned Z on phone though.
I rarely have to repeat my call on phone anymore though...... Could be that I
should just go back to mainly phone contesting.................Nahhhhhhhhh
73, Don - K4BEV ex kf4ztj - NoMo ZZZs fer me