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[CQ-Contest] Have Yourself a Little Pile-up Fun

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Have Yourself a Little Pile-up Fun
From: k6km@cncnet.com (Bill)
Date: Tue Jun 4 21:50:46 2002
* The concept and implementation are great. BUT! I searched and
didn't find how to participate. ADVERTISE! A dozen pages tacked
on the walls would have broughe a LOT more participants.

\Good luck,

Bill K6KM


Chuck K0XM wrote:

> Hi Ron,
> I am a member of the KCDXC and will say tnx to everyone who enjoys the
> pileup competition. Now for the good news...Last nite at our monthly meeting
> we discussed making cd's of the sound files (including this years)along with
> the answersheets and making them available. Once the final info is ready,
> either I or Bill K0VBU will let you guys know.
> Chuck/K0XM********

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