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[CQ-Contest] contest taping

Subject: [CQ-Contest] contest taping
From: ku8e1@yahoo.com (Jeffrey Clarke)
Date: Tue May 29 12:10:36 2001

   I never have figured out why people bother taping a contest. If
you listen to the recording and then change the mistakes you made
in your log afterwards wouldn't this be considered cheating ?

   I was talking about log checking with N1ND in Dayton and
the ARRL is not going to change your log.... even if you come to them
with a recording to prove them wrong. They stricky go by the logs they
get and if some station gives you an exchange or call and you copy
right but they log it incorrectly then you are out of luck. ( Dan,
please correct me if I misunderstood you) I'm not sure about the CQ
handles this. Maybe one of their log checkers can comment on this...


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