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[CQ-Contest] IC-756PRO

Subject: [CQ-Contest] IC-756PRO
From: mgilmer@gnlp.com (Gilmer, Mike)
Date: Thu Feb 17 13:07:59 2000
Actually, it's more like 6dB per bit.

Mike N2MG

On Thursday, February 17, 2000 11:58 AM, Bill Coleman AA4LR
[SMTP:aa4lr@radio.org] wrote:
> On 2/15/00 5:09 PM, Igor Sokolov at ua9cdc@dialup.mplik.ru wrote:
> >What if DSP is 24 bit AD converter and 36 bit processor combo that
> >to have the dynamic range of around 140db (may not be exact figures, just
> >taking them from memory)
> The absolute dynamic range of a 24 bit A/D converter is 72 dB. (3 dB per 
> bit)

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