In SSB, the last two given when a pileup is really dense, is
understandable. Often one can run much faster that way than when all
shout their full call.
But what I can not understand, is that when I am begging from QSOs
from 5X, while calling CQ all the time, a guy comes in and give his
last two (or first two, like the CT's and SV's normally do, or middle
two like some Russians do). And then give a signal report and leave
never to be heard again. Without filling in their call hihi.
And how true Dick's other comments are. I think for any DX-station,
the Europeans (not one nation, but all of them), the Europeans are a
form of torture, compared to JA/NA.
The occasional lack of any discipline, I mean ANY discipline, is
amazing. If I were no European, I would probably never work EU in any
expedition. (that is half a joke).
>From Heard, on several occasions, I tried to get a call through. I
asked for 15 seconds for all to standby until everyone stopped
shouting. So all were listening to me. There was no QRM on my TX
frequency. And then I said 'Ending AST only, AST only, 59', and then
all the hell broke loose again. Amazing. Simply amazing..
luckily, from 5X, I am always quite strong in EU. So I can keep them
in line. Butttttt, I remember the Howland expedition, AH1A, (probably
one of the law enforcement camps Dick's article is thinking about
hihi), where we had real weak propagation to EU. Like signals S1,
evenly spread over the RX window. Not one was louder than the other.
Sometimes, we turned the VFO outside of the RX window, just to see
that we were not listening to remote static or some or the other
interference. But it were signals. Thousands and thousands of them.
Puny little signals, all on top and under of eachother, all at the
same strength.
And it was so difficult to pick up any part of any call. And even if
we did, they all kept on calling. Torture, real torture.
And there you are, in a tent, over 45 dgs centigrade, sweat running
off you body, you have not eaten for a day, you're really tired, your
coke is bloody hot, your skin sticks, the inside of your legs is
infected because of the friction of your shorts onto your skin. Your
fingertips are changing skin because of the humidity. Your back is
burned to the 2nd degree, because of the antenna party yesterday. And
then you are trying to dig out those puuuunnnnyyy signals, at a rate
of maybe 40 or 50 per hour. Only to make 40 to 50 per hour happy, and
to frustrate thousands per hour.
Then... I think.. it is time for the CW boys to take over. hi
N6AA wrote:
It has been suggested that condemned prisoners be forced to obtain amateur
radio licenses, be secured into chairs in front of radio sets, and then
forced to talk to weak-signal European amateur radio enthusiasts in voice
radio contests.
and therefore are unable to remember their full radio callsigns.
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