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[CQ-Contest] ARRL SSB ramblings

Subject: [CQ-Contest] ARRL SSB ramblings
From: dietz@texas.net (Chuck)
Date: Wed Mar 11 20:47:14 1998

LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg wrote:

> >There has been quite a bit said about the advantage of having operators at
> a multi-multi who are fluent in Spanish to work the South American crowd.

I had a lot of South Americans call who could not speak english.  I was not only
glad to have the contacts, I am encouraged to practice my Spanish.
Unfortunately, the USA and England tourists have the poorist reputation in
foreign lands for being able to speak the local language.  It may partially be
laziness, (after all EVERYONE speaks English!) but also many school systems in
other countries require foreign language study at very young ages.  It is
amazing how much easier it is to learn a foreign language in grade school than
in high school.

> BTW, are very interesting the comments about us... but I wonder if anyone
> will remember us when you have cndx with EU.

Well we are jealous!  We sit on 10 meters and listen to your half of the
conversation while you are running Europe now! : )


Chuck, KZ5MM

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