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[CQ-Contest] 80M propagation

Subject: [CQ-Contest] 80M propagation
From: n4kg@juno.com (T A RUSSELL)
Date: Tue Dec 2 19:40:19 1997
One possible explanation of the poor 80M propagation 
from the East and Southeast  is sporadic E.  A large sporadic E
cloud over the east coast would produce increased path loss
without showing up in the A and K indices.

I managed to work 9A1A after 4 transmissions for him to get 
my call sign correct.  I also noticed that HC8N and TI5N were
running Europeans in spite of a large USA contingent calling.
Again, a sporadic E cloud could explain the increased path
loss from W4 while the path from HC8 and TI to Europe 
was not affected. 

Sporadic E is more prevalent in December.  The weather
front that came in over the weekend may have also been
a contributor to sporadic E "clouds".

Late Saturday night there was a fair European sunrise peak
and another at sunset on Sunday.

de  Tom  N4KG  in north Alabama

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