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[CQ-Contest] CQ-Mir rules

Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ-Mir rules
From: thompson@mindspring.com (David L. Thompson)
Date: Thu May 15 12:18:00 1997
At 05:30 PM 5/15/97 CST, you wrote:
>- It was CQ-Mir International DX Contest, which is going on the second
>weekend of May every year since 1946.
>Unfortunately, there were no rules published in QST and CQ, but rules
>were at LA9HW Web calendar, and a reminder was in CQ-Contest Reflector
>on last Wednesday- thanks to Ron, WD4AHZ.

The rules are not sent out in time to get them in CQ or QST.  If they are
sent to K1AR (or CQ) or ARRL to arrive in December then the dates and rules
would appear. Two copies were sent to me with a batch of UA CQ 160 logs
(received in early April).  This is far to late for print.  Most of us know
the CQ-M or CQ-Mir is always held the second weekend in May each year.
Unfortunately that is Mother's Day here.

Dave K4JRB 

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