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Vanities vs Contest Scores :-)

Subject: Vanities vs Contest Scores :-)
From: HENRYPOL@aol.com (HENRYPOL@aol.com)
Date: Tue Sep 24 22:43:20 1996
If everyone can put up with this vanity call verbiage, why can't we have
CONTEST scores on this reflector again?

How much longer is this going to continue?  Will it start all over again when
Gates 3, 4, 5, ... etc. opens?

In an effort to reduce the number of future posting when everyone starts
getting their new calls, how about someone collecting the new calls versus
old calls and doing periodic (weekly?) posts; such as, the contest score
compilations by WA4ZXA.  Or, is everyone happy with looking at KI4HN's web
page?  How about another reflector - 'vanitycall@ego.com'?

Or, are we going to be inundated with postings such as: "Got my new call
today - '12A34'.  It was number 5 on my list.  The mailperson delivered it at
10:17am EST today....."?

Oh well, October 26 is only 32 days away!  Time to start thinking about
antennas, rigs, and stratigies.

73 and awaiting Gate X :-),
Henry Pollock - WB4HFL

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