Brett VS6BG wrote:
>Extending this further, consider the typical "ESP" kinda 160m Q. You're
>lucky just to get the call... under these conditions, you might get the
>field part of the exchange down if you're _really_ lucky. Why not
>accomodate this, too? The field is geographically meaningful & we should
>be able to figure out something between Q point credit for no square copied
>& full distance credit for copying the complete square - just don't ask me,
>at least not now, as I'm sampling the wine again...
I thought I should throw my 2 cents' worth in (or whatever currency is
How about an OPTIONAL use of the 6-digit grid square, with extra point
scoring somehow for copying the full 6 digits? The normal exchange should
be the 4-digit square. Maybe there should be a bonus for KNOWING your
6-digit square? :-)
>As for time, anything that doesn't cover 0000z Saturday to 2400z Sunday
>will screw somebody somewhere out of prime operating time. It also gives
>one the chance to do something the second night if the first is a dud.
>Limiting total operating time within this period is fine by me, provided
>that it doesn't cut into anyone's available productive time.
This sounds very fair to me if this is to be a world-works-world contest!
>73, VS6BrettGraham
73, Zack W9SZ