I've been exposed to some RF generated by some LIDS. Do the same threshold
limits apply in this case? If not, could someone post how many times I can
be exposed without myself becoming a LID. It is probally too late in my
case, but I would like to save some fellow contesters if possible.
73 mike KB5YVT aka. W5NN
>From hwardsil@wolfenet.com (Ward Silver) Thu Aug 8 15:21:23 1996
From: hwardsil@wolfenet.com (Ward Silver) (Ward Silver)
Subject: CW Sprint Team Sign Up
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.95.960808071719.12665B-100000@gonzo.wolfenet.com>
I'm organizing early this time! Who wants to be on an all low-power
CW Sprint team? The Watt-Me-Worry team(s) are open for business. Let
the QRO boys put on their RF-proof undies...we are lean, mean, and, well,
you get the idea.
Check those calendars and send me email. The CW Sprint is Sep 8th from
0000 to 0359Z (Saturday evening). Each team can have up to 10 members so
there's plenty of room.
73, Ward N0AX