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Subject: PREC?
From: JPontek@aol.com (JPontek@aol.com)
Date: Mon Nov 13 09:21:17 1995
I have found that the "PWR?" works the best. It is not get PREC/SEC
confusion. If the chap tells you his actual power, you will know. It has
worked the best in the past for me.

73, K8Joe"Palooka"

>From Eugene Walsh <0004504465@mcimail.com>  Mon Nov 13 14:32:00 1995
From: Eugene Walsh <0004504465@mcimail.com> (Eugene Walsh)
Subject: Sports Illustrated
Message-ID: <74951113143247/0004504465PK5EM@MCIMAIL.COM>


The Sports Illustrated article was 30 June, 1958.

I believe that it was written because Bill Leonard
(W2SKE) was extremely famous and had access to 
anything he wanted, and he was totally cranked
in to contesting.  

I will send a copy of the article to anyone who sends
me a SASE with postage for 5 xeroxed sheets.

Best 73 Gene N2AA

Eugene Walsh
677 Wood Avenue
Edison, NJ 08820

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