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Hi vs low antenna

Subject: Hi vs low antenna
From: w9sz@prairienet.org (Zack Widup)
Date: Thu Jul 6 09:30:31 1995

>A friend at FCC tells me that such a thing actually exists -- using
>interferometric techniques to identify the dominant angle of arrival. 
>Unfortunately (or maybe it's just as well), it's priced in the roughly
>$800k range. 
>73, Pete                                       
>"Better, faster,cheaper -- choose any two"
>"No no no -- it's WEST Virginia"
>On Wed, 5 Jul 1995, John KE7V wrote:
>> I'm still waiting for the person who will make the blackbox that
>> determines the actual angle of radiation at any moment, "arrival".
> .....

Years ago I was engaged in ionospheric research at the University of 
Illinois. We used what is called an "Adcock array" which consisted of 17 
loop antennas placed on 2 legs of an equilateral triangle. The system 
used computer-controlled antenna switching and phase measurements. It 
could even pick several signals on one frequency and give the angles of 
arrival of the signals (both azimuth and elevation.) 

The antennas used up a lot of real estate, and the equipment seemed 
primitive by today's technology (this was 1974, we used DEC PDP-11's!)
But the cost of the system was at least what Pete mentioned above.

Probably not a good CONTEST antenna!

                                                Zack W9SZ

>From joe.ham@ctobbs.com (Joe Ham)  Wed Jul  5 15:44:41 1995
From: joe.ham@ctobbs.com (Joe Ham) (Joe Ham)
Subject: Performance of Cushcraft 40-2CD above a tribander
Message-ID: <950706061815724@ctobbs.com>

Some years ago I stacked a 40-2cd 9 feet above a TH-7 on a 55 foot
tower.  Had no interaction problems and both yagis worked well

>From Peter G. Smith" <n4zr@netcom.com  Thu Jul  6 15:34:44 1995
From: Peter G. Smith" <n4zr@netcom.com (Peter G. Smith)
Subject: antenna modeling reflector
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9507060737.A12475-0100000@netcom20>

All of the discussion about antenna height effects on antenna performance 
for contesting has awakened my interest in modeling, but I have lost the 
directions to the modeling reflector.  Can anyone oblige - sorry for the 

73, Pete                                       
"Better, faster,cheaper -- choose any two"
"No no no -- it's WEST Virginia"

>From TINE S50A <Tine.Brajnik@guest.arnes.si>  Thu Jul  6 17:48:04 1995
From: TINE S50A <Tine.Brajnik@guest.arnes.si> (TINE S50A)
Message-ID: <01HSK21VMH9E00059O@arnes.si>

HI contestors,

Slovenia contest club organizes EUROPEAN HF CHAMPIONSHIP for the second time
and since last year contest was succesfull we hope it will attract many new
ones this year. Programme for contest is available from my or other SCC
member adresses. Cu in the contest
73  Tine S50A

        E U R O P E A N     H F     C H A M P I O N S H I P


1. OBJECTIVE: For European amateurs to contact other European amateurs
- to determine European HF champion. Only EU to EU contacts count.
Calling - CQ EU on CW and CQ EUROPE on SSB.

2. BANDS: All bands 1,8 through 28 MHz except for WARC bands. Avoid using
DX portions of the bands.

Only single operator - all band category in three classes: CW only, SSB
only and CW/SSB. Only one signal allowed at any one time; the operator 
can change bands or modes at any one time, CW contacts on the SSB
portion of the bands or vice versa are not allowed.The same station may
be worked on CW and on SSB on the same band. Cross band/mode contacts
are not permitted.

4. EXCHANGE: RST report (CW) or RS report (SSB) plus two digit number
designating to the  last two digits of the year of operator's first license 
(i.e. 57982 or 5982 means that operator obtain his first amateur radio 
licence in the year 1982).

5. MULTIPLIER:  A multiplier of one (1) for each different last two digit
numbers of received reports per band regardless of mode.

6. POINTS: Only contacts between European stations count for points and
multipliers. Contacts on SSB count one (1) point, contacts on CW count
two (2) points.

7. SCORING: The final score is the total sum of the QSO points from all bands
multiplied by the sum of multipliers from all bands.

8. AWARDS: CW/SSB winner will be awarded with a cup and will be announced as
EUROPEAN HF CHAMPION for that year. Respectively, only CW and SSB winner
will become the CW and SSB HF EUROPEAN CHAMPION. Second and third places 
will be awarded with plaques. Additionaly, first place certificates will be
awarded for winners in every participating country. Also best scores of
each "multiplier" will be awarded. Other special awards may be given by the
championship committee's decision. Persons or organizations interested in
sponsoring a trophy are encouraged to contact the address below.
To promote low power operations, stations with power output of 100W or less
will be marked regardless of the place or category.

9.NATIONAL COMPETITION   Separate list of national scores will be published.
Scores of all logs from one country will be summed for national list 
regardless of clubs.

a) all times must be in UTC
b) all sent and received exchanges are to be logged
c) indicate multiplier only first time it is worked on each band regardless
   of the mode
d) logs must be checked for duplicate contacts, correct QSO points and 
   multipliers. Submitted logs must have duplicate contacts clearly shown.
e) entrants are encouradged to send logs on disks. IBM MS-DOS compatible
   disks are recommended. Logs should be submitted in ASCII.
f) use a separate sheet or file for each band
g) each entry must be accompanied by a summary sheet (on a paper) showing
   all scoring information,station description, contestant's name and address 
   in BLOCK letters and signed declaration that all contest rules and 
   regulations for amateur radio in the coutry of operation have been observed.
h) all entrants are required to submit cross-check sheets (an alphabetical
   list of calls worked) for each band. 
i) unmarked duplicate contacts and broken calls penalty: up to 3%, three
   (3) additional contacts removed; over 3% is grounds for possible 
   disqualification. Disqualification will occur with other violations of 
   the rules.

11. DEADLINE   All  entries must be postmarked NO LATER than August 31st of
that year. Indicate EU HF CHAMPIONSHIP on envelope. Logs should be sent to:

Slovenia contest club

>From TINE S50A <Tine.Brajnik@guest.arnes.si>  Thu Jul  6 17:56:29 1995
From: TINE S50A <Tine.Brajnik@guest.arnes.si> (TINE S50A)
Subject: EUHF championship rules-correction
Message-ID: <01HSK2BNR2BM0005BL@arnes.si>

HI guys,
as Murphy helps us everywhere also EU HF CHAMPIONSHIP rules was old ones.
Changes are in time which is  EVERY YEAR  FIRST SATURDAY IN AUGUST  
from 10.00 UTC to 22.00 UTC.

Cu 73
Tine S50A

p.s. here are rules again

        E U R O P E A N     H F     C H A M P I O N S H I P


1. OBJECTIVE: For European amateurs to contact other European amateurs
- to determine European HF champion. Only EU to EU contacts count.
Calling - CQ EU on CW and CQ EUROPE on SSB.

2. BANDS: All bands 1,8 through 28 MHz except for WARC bands. Avoid using
DX portions of the bands.

Only single operator - all band category in three classes: CW only, SSB
only and CW/SSB. Only one signal allowed at any one time; the operator 
can change bands or modes at any one time, CW contacts on the SSB
portion of the bands or vice versa are not allowed.The same station may
be worked on CW and on SSB on the same band. Cross band/mode contacts
are not permitted.

4. EXCHANGE: RST report (CW) or RS report (SSB) plus two digit number
designating to the  last two digits of the year of operator's first license 
(i.e. 57982 or 5982 means that operator obtain his first amateur radio 
licence in the year 1982).

5. MULTIPLIER:  A multiplier of one (1) for each different last two digit
numbers of received reports per band regardless of mode.

6. POINTS: Only contacts between European stations count for points and
multipliers. Contacts on SSB count one (1) point, contacts on CW count
two (2) points.

7. SCORING: The final score is the total sum of the QSO points from all bands
multiplied by the sum of multipliers from all bands.

8. AWARDS: CW/SSB winner will be awarded with a cup and will be announced as
EUROPEAN HF CHAMPION for that year. Respectively, only CW and SSB winner
will become the CW and SSB HF EUROPEAN CHAMPION. Second and third places 
will be awarded with plaques. Additionaly, first place certificates will be
awarded for winners in every participating country. Also best scores of
each "multiplier" will be awarded. Other special awards may be given by the
championship committee's decision. Persons or organizations interested in
sponsoring a trophy are encouraged to contact the address below.
To promote low power operations, stations with power output of 100W or less
will be marked regardless of the place or category.

9.NATIONAL COMPETITION   Separate list of national scores will be published.
Scores of all logs from one country will be summed for national list 
regardless of clubs.

a) all times must be in UTC
b) all sent and received exchanges are to be logged
c) indicate multiplier only first time it is worked on each band regardless
   of the mode
d) logs must be checked for duplicate contacts, correct QSO points and 
   multipliers. Submitted logs must have duplicate contacts clearly shown.
e) entrants are encouradged to send logs on disks. IBM MS-DOS compatible
   disks are recommended. Logs should be submitted in ASCII.
f) use a separate sheet or file for each band
g) each entry must be accompanied by a summary sheet (on a paper) showing
   all scoring information,station description, contestant's name and address 
   in BLOCK letters and signed declaration that all contest rules and 
   regulations for amateur radio in the coutry of operation have been observed.
h) all entrants are required to submit cross-check sheets (an alphabetical
   list of calls worked) for each band. 
i) unmarked duplicate contacts and broken calls penalty: up to 3%, three
   (3) additional contacts removed; over 3% is grounds for possible 
   disqualification. Disqualification will occur with other violations of 
   the rules.

11. DEADLINE   All  entries must be postmarked NO LATER than August 31st of
that year. Indicate EU HF CHAMPIONSHIP on envelope. Logs should be sent to:

Slovenia contest club

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