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June VHF Contest activity

Subject: June VHF Contest activity
From: klimas@uhavax.hartford.edu (klimas@uhavax.hartford.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 6 15:44:18 1995
    Rumored June Contest activity
      By Tim Marek - NC7K, and Ron Klimas WZ1V rev. A

  CM87 AJ6T        ABCDE
  CM87 N6RPL/R     B          SF to LA
  CM88 N6RPL/R     B          SF to LA
  CM93 KD6TBE/MM   ABCD       220 FM
  CM93 KE6GOS/MM   ABCD       220 FM
  CM94 N6RPL/R     B          SF to LA
  CM95 N6RPL/R     B          SF to LA
  CM96 N6RPL/R     B          SF to LA
  CM96 WA6YDI      ABCD9EFG   Multi
  CM97 N6RPL/R     B          SF to LA
  CM98 N6RPL/R     B          SF to LA
  CM99 KD6PUD      ABDE
  CN82 WD4ECK      BDE
  CN84 N7AVK       ABCDE
  CN85 KE7CX       ABCDE
  CN85 N7DB        ABCD       6M Meteor Scatter Sun A.M.
  DM02 WA6TBO      ABCD       San Clemente Island
  DM03 N6RPL/R     B          SF to LA
  DM04 N6RPL/R     B          SF to LA
  DM04 WB2ODH/6    ABCDE      Mt. Frazier
  DM05 N6IPE       ABCD
  DM06 N6RPL/R     B          SF to LA
  DM07 N7STU       ABD        144.220, 50.145, 432.110
  DM13 N6RPL/R     B          SF to LA
  DM14 N6RPL/R     B          SF to LA
  DM15 KB6IGC      ABCD       222 Mhz skeds!
  DM19 NC7K        ABCDE      KW+2X18 144.210, 50.135, 3.818
  DM37 K7ICW       AB
  DM44 WA6IJZ/6    ABD        QRP
  DM45 N7RDZ       AB
  DM54 WA7FPO      AB
  DM81 N5RZ        ABCDE      KW + 17B2 144Mhz
  DN12 W6RDF       ABCDI
  DN21 N7WVZ       ABD
  DN43 KR8L        ABCD       Only part time
  DN56 W7HAH/R     ABD
  DN57 W7HAH/R     ABD
  DN58 W7HAH/R     ABD
  EJ88 HP3/KG6UH   A
  EK70 TI4JHQ      A
  EK99 ZF2CP       AB         14.345
  EK99 ZF2OC       AB
  EL82 CO2LE       AB
  EL83 CO0VHF      ABD
  EL83 CO2JA       AB
  EL83 CO2KK       A
  EM33 KE9QT/RC    ABCD9EF    144.220
  EM34 KE9QT/RC    ABCD9EF    144.220
  EM35 KE9QT/RC    ABCD9EF    144.220
  EM43 KE9QT/RC    ABCD9EF    144.220
  EM44 KE9QT/RC    ABCD9EF    144.220
  EM45 KE9QT/RC    ABCD9EF    144.220
  EM57 N9LAG       ABDE
  EM58 WB9SNR/RC   BCD9EFGHI  144.245, 222.145, 432.145
  EM59 WB9SNR/RC   BCD9EFGHI  144.245, 222.145, 432.145
  EM68 WB9SNR/RC   BCD9EFGHI  144.245, 222.145, 432.145
  EM69 WB9SNR/RC   BCD9EFGHI  144.245, 222.145, 432.145
  EM98 WD8ISK      ABCD9EF    1KW on lower 4
  EN44 W0UC/9      ABCD9EFG   Multi Unlimited
  EN50 WB9SNR/RC   BCD9EFGHI  144.245, 222.145, 432.145
  EN51 WB9SNR/RC   BCD9EFGHI  144.245, 222.145, 432.145
  EN52 WB9SNR/RC   BCD9EFGHI  144.245, 222.145, 432.145
  EN53 WB9SNR/RC   BCD9EFGHI  144.245, 222.145, 432.145
  EN60 WB9SNR/RC   BCD9EFGHI  144.245, 222.145, 432.145
  EN61 WB9SNR/RC   BCD9EFGHI  144.245, 222.145, 432.145
  EN62 WB9SNR/RC   BCD9EFGHI  144.245, 222.145, 432.145
  EN62 WB9SNR/RC   BCD9EFGHI  144.245, 222.145, 432.145
  EN67 N8CGY       ABD
  FJ09 HP2CWB      A
  FK52 P49T        A
  FL01 CM7SD       A
  FL16 C6AFP       A          via N4JQQ
  FM25 KH2CY       ABCD
  FM26 WA4VCC      ABCD       919-441-1562 shack phone
  FM28 KB3QM       ABCDE
  FM07 N8TLZ       ABCD9E     QRP
  FM08 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FM09 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FM16 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FM17 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FM18 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FM19 K3MQH       ABCD       South Mtn, 3.818 HF Liason
  FM19 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FM26 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FM27 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FM28 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FM29 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FN00 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FN01 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FN06 KO4OE/VE3   ABD
  FN10 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FN11 K3YTL       ABCD9EFGI  Murgas ARC
  FN11 ND3F/R      ABCDE      144.137
  FN15 VE3URS      ABCD
  FN21 W3CCX       ABCD9EFGHI PackRats WB3NDI for skeds
  FN33 KH6CP/1     ADCDEFGHI  Mt. Equinox
  FN33 W1TKZ       ABCD       Mt. Equinox
  FN44 K1TR        ABCD9EFGHI Mt. Washington
  FN44 NS1Z        ABCD
  FN53 N1HOV       ABD        KW on 6m, 90' tower
  FN65 VE9AA       ABD
  FP53 VE8HL       AB
Best of luck in the contest.
Remember to look for NC7K in DM19 above Austin, Nevada on
50, 144, 222, 432, and 1296 CW/SSB.
73s de Tim - NC7K... sk
Tim, you had your call as KC7K the first time, HI. (I corrected it).
Don't look for me in the contest, I'll look for you. Good luck Y'All !
   co-founder:   (' O O ')    North East Weak Signal group, ARRL affil.
|  73 de Ron WZ1V,     email: klimas@uhavax.hartford.edu               |
|  Grid FN31mp         BBS:   203-768-4758 (weeknights/weekends only)  |
| N.E.W.S. group Web Page: http://www.ultranet.com/~bellvill/news.html |

>From Jerry Sidorov" <jerry@ua9ar.urc.ac.ru  Tue Jun  6 20:33:19 1995
From: Jerry Sidorov" <jerry@ua9ar.urc.ac.ru (Jerry Sidorov)
Subject: RK9AWN's CQ WW WPX claimed score.
Message-ID: <AD_rArl4z0@ua9ar.urc.ac.ru>

Hi contesters,

here is the RK9AWN's very poor result...

                 CQ WORLD WIDE WPX CONTEST  1995

      CALL: RK9AWN                   COUNTRY: Asiatic Russia
      MODE: CW                       CLASS: MS

      160       24      138     5.8          6
       80      112      648     5.8         17
       40      276     1626     5.9         91
       20      618     1782     2.9        249
       15      329      984     3.0        133
       10      111      333     3.0         37
     Totals   1470     5511     3.7        533   =>  2,937,363

All reports sent 59(9) unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: RA9AA, RA9AX, RA9ALC, UA9AR

Equipment Description: 2 home-brewed TRCVRs of RA3AO's construction
                       1 military PA
                       CT v6.26 (on post-contest mode)
              Ants:    10m - 3el on 3el @70'&90'
                       15m - 4el Long boom @90'
                       20m - 3el @90'
                       40m - 2 switched W-E phased dipoles @50'
                       40m&80m - 4 switched slopers @120'
                       160m - lazy delta

Some comments of mine added:

Light sides:
- this contest we had two quite good rigs simultenously at first time,
- propagation was better than I expected.

Dark sides:
- due to some reasons we didn't any serious efforts this contest,
- we had too little time for doing new 20m antenna (3 over 3 stacked
  beam), we hope to finish it up to end of this summer,
- too many American guys worked each other during Asia to North America
  early propagation opening (both mornings at ~23.30 I heard many
  American stations working each other and not doing a glance to our
  directions! Calling of them did not any practical results).
  I hope you will look at us more seriously during All Asian contest, hi...

        73,  Jerry  UA9AR.

Mail: Jerry Sidorov, P/O Box 9411,  *   E-mail:  jerry@ua9ar.urc.ac.ru
      Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia   *

>From Bill Straw <0007359114@mcimail.com>  Tue Jun  6 20:10:00 1995
From: Bill Straw <0007359114@mcimail.com> (Bill Straw)
Subject: tower building
Message-ID: <34950606191043/0007359114PJ4EM@MCIMAIL.COM>

   Last year my local Rohn tower dealer, RF Enterprises,
closed down. They were about 500 miles away, and in fact
the closest amateur dealer to my QTH. Shipping big stuff
was always a bit costly, but understandable, since I live
100 miles from a stop light.
   Last week I ordered 120 feet of 20G  (it makes great
vertical elements) from Texas Towers. On the phone I
specifically asked about how much the shipping would be,
and was told $150-$200. Sounded OK. The tower came today,
freight collect, and shipping was $409 !!!  The cost of the
tower was only $540 !!! I called Texas Towers and they said
there wasn't much that could be done.
   Lesson for all  (at my expense) :
1) Get a firm price quote on the shipping. If it can't be
   given to you, hang up the phone. There must be 150 
   businesses in the back of QST and CQ that sell tower.
   The prices may vary a couple bucks, but you could get
   burned big time. Look at me, I just paid $80 bucks a
   section for Rohn 20G. 
2) Shop local. Yep, Texas Towers was a bit cheaper than the

   current closest dealer, but I sure look silly now.

       73's  Bill WB0O in Northern North Dakota

>From Morao Esteban <z801183a@bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>  Tue Jun  6 21:07:20 
From: Morao Esteban <z801183a@bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us> (Morao Esteban)
Subject: CTY files
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9506061654.A28491-0100000@bcfreenet>

Where i can find the lates CTY files?

Steve W4/YV5DTA

>From k3lr <k3lr@telerama.lm.com>  Tue Jun  6 21:56:49 1995
From: k3lr <k3lr@telerama.lm.com> (k3lr)
Subject: CAC Input DX Contest
Message-ID: <199506062056.QAA16162@india.lm.com>

Your ARRL division representative of the ARRL Contest Advisory 
Committee (CAC) is looking for your input on the following topic
that will be voted on soon:
Do you think the ARRL DX Contest would benefit from allowing
Contest Expeditions to DX locations to count for USA/ VE 
club scores in the medium and large club size?
How would you suggest scores from DX multiops be divided
among several clubs?
What about the 160 and 10 meter contests? Would you suggest
that Contest Expeditions to DX locations count for club
Send your comments to your  ARRL  CAC division rep. now:
They are:
Atlantic- K3LR          k3lr@telerama.lm.com
Central-  KJ9D          jsego@indy.net
Dakota -  K0IJL         jbaumgarte@aol.com
Delta  -  W4XJ          via callbook adr
Great Lakes - WB4FLB    hext@wkuvx1.wku.edu
Hudson -  AA2DU         aa2du@netcom.com
Midwest - N0LL          via callbook adr
New England - W1PH      0006743923@mcimail.com
Northwestern - N6TR     tree@cmicro.com
Pacific - N6TV          n6tv@vnet.ibm.com
Roanoke - WZ3Q          1260 College Ave. Wilkesboro, NC 28697
Rocky Mountain - W2CRS  w2crs@aol.com
Southeastern - K4JPD    k4jpd@aol.com
Southwestern - AA7A     stearns@getnet.com
West Gulf - K5RX        via callbook
Canada - VE6SH          tellam@mccarthy.ca
Tim K3LR

>From engberg@ctis.af.mil (Bob Engberg)  Tue Jun  6 13:55:54 1995
From: engberg@ctis.af.mil (Bob Engberg) (Bob Engberg)
Subject: Tower cement
Message-ID: <9506062055.AA00391@edfue0.ctis.af.mil>

I have a 3x3x5 ft hole for my Rohn 25G tower.
Locally a pea-gravel mix is available.  Just add water.  Is this
the "right stuff"?  I sorta recall using a sand mixture last time -
about 15 yrs ago.

Pse email me directly to avoid upsetting those who don't care
about this topic.

Oh, BTW, I will answer contest calls once the tower is up.

Bob Engberg
e-mail: engberg@ctis.af.mil
URL:    http://www.ctis.af.mil/~engberg/
snail:  SAIC
        911 W. 8th Ave., Suite 401
        Anchorage, AK 99501

>From Floydjr <floydjr@nando.net>  Tue Jun  6 23:12:05 1995
From: Floydjr <floydjr@nando.net> (Floydjr)
Subject: Rtty Contest
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.90.950606180900.1293B-100000@merlin.nando.net>

I know this is a little late to be asking this but here it goes anyway. 
The rules for this weekend's RTTY ANARTS contest were not real clear in 
CQ. The times and all were fine but they state there is a complicated 
scoring chart which they did not have enough room to print. If anyone has 
that chart I would appreciate a copy of it. Any help in this matter would 
be appreciated.

73's Jim / WA4ZXA

>From Larry Tyree <tree@cmicro.com>  Wed Jun  7 00:18:48 1995
From: Larry Tyree <tree@cmicro.com> (Larry Tyree)
Subject: Texas Towers
Message-ID: <199506062318.QAA06770@cascade.cmicro.com>

Bill, WB0O's story about his experience with Texas Towers reminds me of
a very frustrating experience I had with the same vendor.  I called them
and asked for a 2 and a half inch pipe top section of Rohn 45.  They
sent me the more common 2 inch size.  When I called them about it, they
placed the blame on me since I didn't order by part number.  

They made me pay for shipping both ways (until a year later when they 
finally split it with me).  In the end, I ordered it with my local 
Rohn rep and got it from them.

It wasn't a fun experience, and I hope it won't happen to any other of
my contesting buddies.

Tree N6TR

>From prosper@iadfw.net (Brent Childers)  Wed Jun  7 01:58:05 1995
From: prosper@iadfw.net (Brent Childers) (Brent Childers)
Subject: Contesters Dinner
Message-ID: <199506070058.TAA08879@server.iadfw.net>


The North Texas CONTEST Club will be sponsoring a post HAMCOM (Dallas/Fort
Worth Convention) dinner at Colter's BBQ.  This is a casual get together for
CONTESTERS.  Door prizes will be awarded.  

When: Saturday June 10th
Where: Colter's BBQ in Arlington, TX.
Time: 5:30 p.m.

Colter's is located at 1322 N. Collins in Arlington. One block South of I-30.

Hope you CONTESTERS can make it.

73 - KI5JC

>From Steve Sacco <0006901972@mcimail.com>  Wed Jun  7 02:59:00 1995
From: Steve Sacco <0006901972@mcimail.com> (Steve Sacco)
Subject: Tejas Towers
Message-ID: <60950607015906/0006901972DC2EM@MCIMAIL.COM>

In their defense, I've bought an KLM 6 ele Yagi, lots of mast, tower
accesories, and Create rotors from them, and never had a problem.

They were always upfront about the shipping charges - especially on the 15'
mast (!$$$!), and even offered to chop two feet off of a 10' mast (and send
THAT to me too) so I could pay the MUCH less UPS shipping charges, rather
than the Truck rates.  On the Create rotors, I found a cheaper supplier
after I ordered (but before I received them) and bitched about it, and they
adjusted the price without a complaint.

On the OTHER hand, this must be a TERRIBLY boring thread for our non-U.S.
brothers and sisters, so I'll end now.

Back to soldering cables...

Steve KC2X
Narcoosee, Florida, U.S.A.

>From Patrick Collins <pcollins@freenet.columbus.oh.us>  Wed Jun  7 03:14:11 
From: Patrick Collins <pcollins@freenet.columbus.oh.us> (Patrick Collins)
Subject: Fieldhunter´s list, 1.8 to 10 MHz
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9506062204.A25547-6100000@acme>

Thats funny? I don't see W8AH on any of those lists.

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH@TGV.COM>  Wed Jun  7 03:25:25 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH@TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Subject: Tejas Towers
Message-ID: <802491925.442668.GARLOUGH@TGV.COM>

> In their defense, I've bought an KLM 6 ele Yagi, lots of mast, tower
> accesories, and Create rotors from them, and never had a problem.

I went in there one Saturday morning in 1988 or so to pick up an HDR-300 
for an N5AU project we were working on that day.  I paid cash for virtually 
everything back then, and only kept a Visa card (with a $2500 limit and a 
balance of $0) for doing stuff like mail order, buying airline tickets, 
renting cars and hotel rooms, and buying HDR-300s.

So when the clerk rang up the sale, he ran the Visa card through the little
striping machine, $850, waiting, waiting, waiting.  No response.  Hmm.  Let's
try again, stripe, $850, waiting, waiting, waiting.  No response.  Hmm.  Tap,
tap, tap.  Hmm.  This thing doesn't seem to be working.  Fetch other clerk.
"Hey, other clerk, this thing doesn't seem to be working."  So other clerk
stripes, $850, waiting, waiting, waiting.  More waiting.  Refused.  I was
flabbergasted.  "This isn't possible."  So the clerk phoned in and Visa said
"Sorry.  Over limit."  After a moment's thought it was clear.  $850 + $850 + 
$850 = $2550.  Of course it was over the limit!

I was furious.  If it happened today, I would stay there and made a scene
until they sold me the rotator.  Instead, I elected to leave and never buy 
anything from them ever again.  The sad thing is it was some random moronic 
clerk that screwed up and soured me on the place; it had nothing to do with 
Texas Towers per se.  The same thing could have happened at Sears.  :-)

--Trey, WN4KKN/5 in Texas in a former life

>From Randy Thompson <k5zd@iconics.com>  Wed Jun  7 03:23:14 1995
From: Randy Thompson <k5zd@iconics.com> (Randy Thompson)
Subject: CAC Input DX Contest
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.950606221445.17600A-100000@genesis.iconics.com>

On Tue, 6 Jun 1995, k3lr wrote:

> Your ARRL division representative of the ARRL Contest Advisory 
> Committee (CAC) is looking for your input on the following topic
> that will be voted on soon:
> Do you think the ARRL DX Contest would benefit from allowing
> Contest Expeditions to DX locations to count for USA/ VE 
> club scores in the medium and large club size?
> How would you suggest scores from DX multiops be divided
> among several clubs?
> What about the 160 and 10 meter contests? Would you suggest
> that Contest Expeditions to DX locations count for club
> scores?
Currently, the identical club competition rules apply across all of the 
ARRL contests (160 meters to UHF).  I believe this should continue.

Therefore, you are really asking if we should eliminate the 175 
mile circle (i.e., by allowing contest expeditions).

I am in favor of this.  A member of a club, who meets the current 
requirement of two meetings per year, is still a member of that club 
regardless of where they may operate from.  Whether it is going from W1 
to VP2 for the DX Contest, or from W1 to W6 for a VHF contest, the score 
should be allowed to apply for the operator's club.

I would not like to see the club competition rules modified for each 
contest.  This makes it more confusing and will require even more rules 
(rules to fix the rules for each contest).  In addition, you would then 
be required to further modify those rules about the owner of the station 
also being a club member, the above mentioned 175 mile circle rule, etc.

When this subject came up at the YCCC meeting this past weekend, the 
feeling was very much against allowing DXpeditions to count for club 
scores.  However, I believe this opinion was strictly a selfish one as 
the YCCC is not known for large numbers of expeditions.  Plus, the 
discussion was specifically focused on the DX contest and did not 
consider the impact on other contests.

Tim, thanks for making everyone aware of subjects the CAC has under 

Randy Thompson, K5ZD

>Tue Jun  6 08:42:01 1995
Subject: T91ENS WPX Contest Score
Message-ID: <26.33383@zamir-sa.ztn.apc.org>

      Here is T91ENS WPX score. We can not make worst than this...

Band        QSO     Pts     mults

160          0       0        0
 80          0       0        0
 40          0       0        0
 20          0       0        0
 15          0       0        0
 10          0       0        0
         Total   0   points

Equipment :  KENWOOD TS-440S AT
             100 W
             AT286 & CT 6.26

Antennas  :  160m : 1/4 wave sloper - west @ 25m
                  : 1/4 wave sloper - east @ 25m
              80m : 2el. delta loop - west @ 35m
                  : Horizontal delta loop - Europe @ 25m
              40m : Oblong -east/west @ 20m
              20m : 3el. tribander @ 35m
              15m : 3el. monobander @ 30m
                    3el. tribander @ 35m
              10m : 3el. tribander @ 35m

Operators :  Boris  T94EU
             Neri   T94NE
             Elvis  T94NF
             Ferid  T94TF
             Pedja  T94TU
             Goran  T95MJB
             Murphy T9MURPHY

Our special thanks going to : ELEKTROPRIVREDA BIH (Bosnian power company)
                              T9MURPHY who join us again after 6 months

Remarks : 

Friday    1130UTC : Whole city lose electricity. There is not reason to worry
                    becouse similar things is happens quite often here.
Friday    1500UTC : Electricity is not comming. Get promise from power
                    company that we will get it before start of contest.
Friday    1815UTC : 60mm shell cut the telephone wire. Now we are not able
                    to call Power company. Only way for the communications
                    is 2m handy.
Friday    2200UTC : It is only few hours before start of contest. We are turn 
                    on all light switches into the club and go to sleep. 
Saturday  0600UTC : Nothing yet. It is time to go home for the regular
Saturday  1300UTC : Buildings few blocks away get the power. People from the
                    Power Company stated that is mistake. Lucky (????) OM
                    T92A make about 90 QSOs.
Saturday  2100UTC : Some blocks 2 km away get the electricity. It is to late 
                    to found someone awake on 2m to call a Power Company.
                    Again going to sleep with hope.
Sunday    0700UTC : Contest is over for T91ENS. Another breakfast in home.
Sunday    1600UTC : T95MVZ & T95MBB came into club with INFO that they has
                    electricity from Friday 1500UTC to Sunday 0700UTC. Our
                    anger against Power Company is stronger than ever.
Sunday    2130UTC : Third night into club. Get to sleep without any hope.:-(

                                                       T91ENS Contest Crew

>From Silvergran Jonathan, SEME" <L.J.Silvergran@telub.se  Wed Jun  7 07:57:00 
From: Silvergran Jonathan, SEME" <L.J.Silvergran@telub.se (Silvergran Jonathan, 
Subject: A final reminder - TOEC WW GRID CONTEST
Message-ID: <2FE03CD6@noak>

The SSB part of the contest is held this weekend 12-12z.
Please refer to my previous postings if you have missed
the rules, or drop me a message and I will send a copy.

73 and good luck

            Jonathan "Jon" Silvergran, SM3OJR
     Contest manager - TOEC (Top Of Europe Contesters)
 ** Check out the TOEC WW Grid Contest in June and August!! **
 E-mail: sm3ojr@pobox.com    Packet: sm3ojr@sk3jr.osd.z.swe.eu
         Snail : Box 2063, S-83102 OSTERSUND, Sweden

>From ac1o@sunken.gate.net (Walt Deemer)  Wed Jun  7 00:51:45 1995
From: ac1o@sunken.gate.net (Walt Deemer) (Walt Deemer)
Subject: A Contester's Prayer
Message-ID: <9506062351.15gt@sunken.gate.net>

Bob Enberg, of Anchorage, Alaska, recently asked those on the reflector 
for some advice re tower cement, then added: 
>Oh, BTW, I will answer contest calls once the tower is up.
"Please, Dear Lord, be with Bob as he installs his tower and antennas 
-- and, also, please remind him of his promise just prior to the CW 
Sweepstakes in November.  Thank You."
...de Walt, AC1O, and Jim, K1ZX (who both worked 76 sections and a zillion 
KL7's in the 1994 SS -- but who both came up short on an actual AK 

>From Bruce Strong <hs0zbo@sura1.sut.ac.th>  Wed Jun  7 10:42:42 1995
From: Bruce Strong <hs0zbo@sura1.sut.ac.th> (Bruce Strong)
Subject: Tejas Towers
Message-ID: <Pine.ISC.3.90.950607164022.14391B-100000@sura1.sut.ac.th>

On Tue, 6 Jun 1995, Steve Sacco wrote:

> On the OTHER hand, this must be a TERRIBLY boring thread for our non-U.S.
> brothers and sisters, so I'll end now.
> Back to soldering cables...
> Steve KC2X
> Narcoosee, Florida, U.S.A.
> ssacco@mcimail.com
Well, if you guys think it is expensive to have a tower sent
to you, try it over here!  Anyone care to calculate the air
cargo rates?

In fairness, the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand was the
lucky recipient of a tower from VOA a few years ago.  It was
due for replacement so they gave it to RAST.  It is my
understanding that all RAST had to do was pay the frieght
from Udon Thani to Bangkok.  Very inexpensive compared to
US rates!


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  • June VHF Contest activity, klimas@uhavax.hartford.edu <=