To everyone who responded with Walnut Creek's address...many thanks.
Now, I am writing an article for QST on callsign databases. Sams, Buckmaster,
QRZ, and some facts regarding the CallBook I have. If you know of any other
and I understand there is one, please let me know. Also if you have any
specific information,
experiences (good or bad) you feel I should know about I would be interested in
hearing from
you. As always please respond directly and confidentiality is always respected.
Thanks to everyone in advance.
P.S. If you find yourself among the lucky 40,000 or so who will be in Dayton,
yours truly is
moderating a forum on logging software on Friday, 1:00 to 2:45 p.m. This is a
"first time"
forum and, based on all the software authors who are attending and speaking, it
looks like
a good time will be had by all. Look forward to seeing you there.
Lauren KD8PZ
>From (Paul D. Walker II) Wed Apr 26 16:23:12 1995
From: (Paul D. Walker II) (Paul D. Walker II)
Subject: 4U calls
OK, I give. Now I am tuned in to amateur radio dealings for the most part,
but will admit I don't read every bulletin that comes out from the
multitudinous radio societies, so, what gives with the 4U calls?
I worked T93A/4U a while ago only to be dissapointed that the op was in Haiti.
I see in updated CT country lists that 4U/KC0PA is Western Sahara, 4U9U is
Burundi, 4U9Q is Zaire.
Paul Walker, N9WHG
Paul D. Walker II e-mail:
Database/System Administrator phone: (312)329-4392
Moody Bible Institute fax: (312)329-8961
820 North LaSalle Blvd amateur radio: N9WHG
Chicago, ILL 60610 packet: n9whg@????? BBS went offline