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Sunday Sprints?

Subject: Sunday Sprints?
From: kd5pj@lobby.ti.com (kd5pj@lobby.ti.com)
Date: Wed Sep 21 19:00:09 1994
K8MR's suggestion is an excellent one.  My wife's biggest gripe about
the Sprint is not that the contest is 4 hours long, it is that the
contest is 4 hours long on a SATURDAY evening!  From my perspective on
this, I have a helluva lot more fun contesting when I know that my wife
is not torqued off because I'm "playing radio" again.

If your spouse or significant other does not have a problem with this
stuff, great!  Look at it this way, then.  If the Sprint is on Sunday
night, it will give you more time to perform any last minute station
repairs/mods/changes, etc.

Charlie  KD5PJ          kd5pj@lobby.ti.com

>From ken.silverman@atlas.ccmail.AirTouch.COM (ken silverman)  Thu Sep 22 
>02:40:36 1994
From: ken.silverman@atlas.ccmail.AirTouch.COM (ken silverman) (ken silverman)
Subject: CQ WW Contest Handbook
Message-ID: <9408217801.AA780194436@atlas.ccmail.airtouch.com>

I've been waiting for weeks, but I finally received the CQ WW 
Handbook from K3EST.  This book is for everyone interested in 
this great contest.  There's 144 pages of history, facts figures, 
tips, and a great set of annotated rules.

Lots of questions are answered here by Mr. CQ WW himself, K3EST.  

With all the questions around the CQ WW M/S categroy recently, I 
thought you'de be interested in some selected quotes regarding 
the M/S 10 minute rule:

Can the Multiplier station use a separate call to call CQ on a 
third band and move the station to the multiplier band?

Answer:  No.  This violates the spirit of the rules.

How many stations can I have as a Multi SIngle?

Answer:  You can have as many as you want.  However, only one run 
station and one multiplier station are allowed to operate within 
any particlular 10 minute period.

Can a different call sign be used at the multi-single QTH?

Yes, but not to solicit any QSO's for the contest multi-single.

Interested in the History of the contest?  
    It's in there.  

Are you a statistics nut?  
    You'll spend hours pouring over this stuff.   

What part of the solar cycle are most 20m single band records 
    Records on this band can be set at ANY part of the cycle!

All in all, this is a great book for those of you just trying to 
set a new world record, or even if you are just interested in 
getting started in the contest.  There's lots of neat stuff in 
there for everyone.

Books can be ordered directly from K3EST.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did, 

Ken WM2C

>From barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner)  Thu Sep 22 01:06:17 1994
From: barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Subject: Radio Cops
Message-ID: <7cZ1sc2w165w@w2up.wells.com>

Bill Standerfer <bills@hpislwes.lvld.hp.com> writes:

> As a cap pistol instead of a big gun, I must be missing something here, too.
> Why, in a competitive situation, would I want to give any advantage to my
> competition by spotting a juicy multiplier?  Rule issues aside, it seems a
> rather curious notion to want to give any hints whatever to the others in the
> contest.  Let the other guys find them by themselves.  Now, if someone in the
> contest wants to help me out by spotting someone I need, then, rules
> permitting, I may take the help.

Bill - your attitude is definitely that of someone not affiliated with a 
contest club. Here in FRC land we always (usually) compete to boost the 
club score. I have operated single-op unassisted and spotted mults for 
the benefit of the club. I usually don't put in competitive full-time 
efforts so I am not losing anything by doing this. Would I do it if I was 
going for nr 1  and competing against a fellow club member? hmmmm.... 
not sure....


Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Usenet/Internet: barry@w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >K2TW (FRC)

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