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Contests and QSLs

Subject: Contests and QSLs
From: rrrocker@rock.b11.ingr.com (Ray Rocker)
Date: Tue Feb 22 17:30:04 1994
> Sure would be an awful lot easier if there were a database of QSL managers 
> on the Internet in some format that could be interrogated interactively. 
> That way I could write a program to throw the entire log at the database 
> and do something (reasonably) intelligent with the output, thus automating 
> the most painful part of the whole process.
> Perhaps someone will tell me that such a database exists. I hope so. If 
> not, maybe someone with the resources could think about making one 
> available (hint, hint).

Hey, I've been wondering the exact same thing! And I've been meaning to ask
about it too, only I was going to ask on the DX-reflector, then I saw in
the FAQ for that reflector that QSL route talk was a no-no, and ...

I was thinking a two-part system. One, an interactive service accessed 
via telnet where you connect and just type in callsigns, and it spits 
back any QSL information in the database. Two, a mail server that reads
callsigns from the message body and mails you back the QSL manager. 
Similar to the way CQ-Contest-Request@TGV.COM works. 

If nothing like this exists already I'll find/hack suitable software
to do it (for a Unix box with sendmail and/or telnetd) but I'll stop 
short of volunteering to maintain the database, as that could be a job!

-- ray // WQ5L // who is wayWayWAY behind on DX QSLing

>From Chris Moore <cmoore@cancun.rose.hp.com>  Tue Feb 22 23:59:25 1994
From: Chris Moore <cmoore@cancun.rose.hp.com> (Chris Moore)
Subject: Contests and QSLs
Message-ID: <9402222359.AA16072@cancun.rose.hp.com>

> Sure would be an awful lot easier if there were a database of QSL managers 
> on the Internet in some format that could be interrogated interactively. 
> That way I could write a program to throw the entire log at the database 
> and do something (reasonably) intelligent with the output, thus automating 
> the most painful part of the whole process.

I don't know of a freely available source on the Internet, but I know that
W6GO publishes his manager list on a disk as well as on paper.  Since it's
a commercial product I don't think it could legally be made available on
the Internet, but it probably wouldn't cost a whole lot to get ahold of 
one of his disks.

Chris Moore

>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM  Wed Feb 23 01:19:00 
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Subject: SU2MT in ARRL DX contest
Message-ID: <2D6AB014@admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>

Did SU2MT have a guest op?  I didn't know he was a CW op, and he
was doing a commendable job handling the pileups on 80 meters.
73, Tom WB4iUX (Tom.Skelton@ClemsonSC.NCR.COM)

>From Jim Reisert AD1C  22-Feb-1994 2248 <reisert@wrksys.enet.dec.com>  Wed Feb 
>23 03:44:16 1994
From: Jim Reisert AD1C  22-Feb-1994 2248 <reisert@wrksys.enet.dec.com> (Jim 
Reisert AD1C 22-Feb-1994 2248)
Message-ID: <9402230344.AA02498@us1rmc.bb.dec.com>

------------------Reply to mail dated 22-FEB-1994 19:36:13.25------------------

>WR3G was the last person doing the MASTER.DTA file.  The way you get an
>updated MASTER.DTA file is to send your logs to Kenny or probably even better
>directly to WR3G.

I know Ken.  Don't send your log to him - he won't discover it until October
when he's cleaning the shack up for CQWW.  You're best off sending it to
Scott directly.  And I encourage anyone who operated this weekend to send
your log to Scott, so he can get all those new Ukrainian calls into the next
MASTER.DTA, maybe even before ARRL Phone.

There is a new MASTER.EXE (archive of MASTER.DTA) dated Feb, 1994 that's in
the CT-BETA area on the CT BBS.

73 - Jim AD1C

>From Sig <0006481603@mcimail.com>  Tue Feb 22 21:07:00 1994
From: Sig <0006481603@mcimail.com> (Sig)
Subject: N3RS Breakdown
Message-ID: <35940222210753/0006481603PK1EM@mcimail.com>

The following is the N3RS breakdown in the M/2 category.  Operators were N3RD,
N3ED, AA2NS & N3RS.  

160        42            36
80        234            70
40       1009           109
20        837           111
15        918           105
10         90            54


[C3133           485        Score = 4,551,240

The saying goes " we tried our best, but K1AR beat us anyway", but I guess it
looks like so did K1TR!  We shall try again next year from the "Sticks" west
of Phila.

Antennas here are:
160M  Delta loop - Apex @ 130 ft
80M  4 wire sloping dipole array with 2 active elements firing NE, S, or W.
40M  3 element HyGain Long John @ 140 ft  and 2 element full sized array at 60'
20M  5 elements @ 107 ft
15M  4 over 4 array @ 37/90 ft
10M  4 over 4 array @ 22/50 ft  and  4 elements at 87 ft
Beverages for West, South & Europe.

Much will change next year.  

73's de Sig, N3RS

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