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Extra Dayton Room ?

Subject: Extra Dayton Room ?
From: jsteinman@aol.com (jsteinman@aol.com)
Date: Mon Feb 7 20:11:22 1994

Does anyone have an extra room [Stouffers or other downtown
QTH] they don't need ? Ralph, N5RZ, decided it was time to hit
Dayton after a decade long absense, but he has no room. Please respond
DIRECTLY to me at:   jsteinman@aol.com

Jeff Steinman  KR0Y

>From Brian Bogh <0006125879@mcimail.com>  Mon Feb  7 19:48:00 1994
From: Brian Bogh <0006125879@mcimail.com> (Brian Bogh)
Subject: sprint score
Message-ID: <03940207194830/0006125879NA5EM@mcimail.com>

     N7LOX cw sprint/  100 watts with no class  
     band      qso
      80         40        
      40         76        
      20         78        
     TOTAL      194        194 /34=6596  
     Club or Team Name: Lunatic Fringe                       
     First time using computer logging and keying
     in this contest, please stop the world from                                
     spining. No actually it wasn't to bad. Now all                             
     I need is an amp and some low band antennas..                              
                   cu in the phone sprint.
                    Brian / N7LOX mci id: 612-5879                              

>From DKMC" <dkmc@chevron.com  Tue Feb  8 01:15:04 1994
From: DKMC" <dkmc@chevron.com (DKMC)
Subject: NCJ NA Sprint CW K5GN
Message-ID: <CPLAN065.DKMC.4738.1994 02070813 0813>

 Microsoft Mail v3.0 IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note
 From: McCarty, DK 'David'
 Subject:  NCJ NA Sprint CW K5GN
 Fixed Font: 0001
 Message ID: 5BDDB957
 Conversation ID: 5BDDB957


                    NCJ North American Sprint

                     CONTEST SUMMARY SHEET

 Date of contest (UTC).........................6 February 1994

 Callsign used.................................K5GN
 State or Country..............................TEXAS
 (actual station used:..........K2UA/5)

 Name..........................................David K. McCarty
 Address.......................................8603 Manhattan Drive
 ..............................................Houston, TX 77096

 4. SCORE:

   HOUR   80CW    40CW    20CW    TOTAL   ACCUM
   ----  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
     0       0       3      91      94      94
     1       0      48      30      78     172
     2      12      70       1      83     255
     3      79       6       0      85     340

   TOTAL    91     127     122             340

   MULTIPLIERS:                             45

   FINAL SCORE:                          15300

 TEAM..(pre-registered)........................Texas DX Society

 Equipment:  80: FT-1000D/BTI LK-2000 (1500W), 4 el quad NE 90', Dipole 130'
             40: S-Line/Alpha 78 (1500W), 4 el KLM NW 180', 2 el quad NE 80'
             20: TS930S/Alpha 76 (1400W), 4/4 (204BA) NW 135' / NE 80'
 Software:   N6TR 4.05

 ...Where was XE1/AA6RX?
 ...Why do FOCers work only FOCers?
 ...Why was NL7GP in Az instead of Ak?
 ...Will K5GN ever get to Page 8?
 ...(and, as always, how does Jeff do it?)

 David K. McCarty, K5GN

>From DKMC" <dkmc@chevron.com  Tue Feb  8 01:15:04 1994
From: DKMC" <dkmc@chevron.com (DKMC)
Subject: Sprint: K5GA vs K5GN
Message-ID: <CPLAN065.DKMC.4740.1994 02070813 0813>

 Microsoft Mail v3.0 IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note
 From: McCarty, DK 'David'
 Subject:  Sprint: K5GA vs K5GN
 Fixed Font: 0001
 Message ID: 707E30D1
 Conversation ID: 707E30D1


 Mr. Bill went to W5WMU for the CW Sprint.  I went to K2UA/5.  We were really
 neck and neck right to the tape.  Thought the gang might like to see some
 details of this close one:

 During the contest:

 00:59z  K5GN  94/W5WMU  89   (I'm thinking big things, here.)
 02:09z  K5GN 187/W5WMU 188   (Uh, oh, where did I go wrong?)
 02:53z  K5GN 246/W5WMU 248   (Yikes, he'll eat me up on 80])

 Analysis on 75M:

 10 MIN.   NR OF LAST            QSOs MADE   LEAD
 0000-0009    19     20     1      19    20     1     Good start, both.
 0010-0019    35     35     0      16    15    -1
 0020-0029    48     53     5      13    18     5     GA slows (cuz
 0030-0039    62     68     6      14    15     1       farther east?)
 0040-0049    75     84     9      13    16     3     GA 2nd rig on 40
 0050-0059    90     94     4      15    10    -5     GN 2nd rig on 40
 0100-0109   103    106     3      13    12    -1     GA goes to 40
 0110-0119   118    122     4      15    16     1     GN goes to 40
 0120-0129   136    139     3      18    17    -1     GA ends 20
 0130-0139   150    152     2      14    13    -1
 0140-0149   165    162    -3      15    10    -5     GN loses sync
 0150-0159   177    172    -5      12    10    -2     GN ends 20
 0200-0209   190    188    -2      13    16     3
 0210-0219   203    204     1      13    16     3
 0220-0229   215    213    -2      12     9    -3     GN loses grip agn]
 0230-0239   227    227     0      12    14     2     GN 2nd rig on 80
 0240-0249   245    241    -4      18    14    -4     GA goes to 80
 0250-0259   258    256    -2      13    15     2
 0300-0309   272    271    -1      14    15     1     GN goes to 80
 0310-0319   284    288     4      12    17     5     GN ends 40
 0320-0329   298    303     5      14    15     1
 0330-0339   310    315     5      12    12     0
 0340-0349   325    329     4      15    14    -1
 0350-0359   331    341    10       6    12     6     GA "loses it"
 Dupes:        0      1

 Turns out Billy did not have the multipliers to overcome the difference at
 the end.

 K5GA: 331x41=13571 #7?
 K5GN: 340x45=15300 #2?


 David K. McCarty, K5GN

>From ken.silverman@atlas.ccmail.PacTel.COM (ken silverman)  Tue Feb  8 
>01:31:18 1994
From: ken.silverman@atlas.ccmail.PacTel.COM (ken silverman) (ken silverman)
Subject: Contest QSLing
Message-ID: <9401077606.AA760671078@atlas.ccmail.pactel.com>

          All this talk is interesting, this comes from a person who
          hates QSLing.  I do not collect QSLs, but I do know that I
          go around the world to be DX, and that comes with a price.
          That price is that I will send QSLs to all that send one to
          me, postage or not.

          One way I try to get around the duties of contest QSLing is
          that I tend to operate contests from an existing station,
          that has existing QSL routes.  I gladly make up QSLs for the
          operation.  In fact, I am in the process of making nice
          color QSLs for the 4M5I operation in the CQ WW CW.

          Having the ARRL use logs sounds great on the surface, again
          from one who hates to QSL.  BUT.  But I think I can say for
          lots of people, that having QSLs up on the wall is kinda
          nice.  One often makes lots of rare DX QSO's during a
          contest, and if I collected QSLs, I would want that QSL on
          the wall.  No way that would happen now.

          Having the ARRL serve as the QSl manager may be the death to
          your verification at all.  I get a few cards that for some
          reason, I copied wrong (we all make SOME mistakes).  I
          always give the person looking for a QSL the benefit of the
          doubt.  If I have WM2K in the log, but the guy sends me a
          card for WM2N, I send the card.  Should the ARRL have to
          make those judgements?  I suspect they would be forced to
          use the electronic log as fact.  No benifits of the doubt.

          How many of these people who QSl can't seem to tell time?
          Plus or minus a few minutes is acceptable, but sometimes
          thier off by hours, days, or some unkown time that has no
          relation to anything.  Again, should the ARRL have to make
          the decision on which one of these people gets the
          confirmation or not?  I put QSLs who are "NIL" on the
          bottwom of the pile, but always get to them some day.  It
          often takes a lot of time to figure out what's up. If the
          ARRL has to do this, forget your QSL.

          Having a person, or QSl manager do you logs has a lot of
          advantages over eletronic processing at the ARRL - you get
          the personal touch of QSLing.  I persoally would love to see
          the ARRL handle my QSL verification, but for those who fit
          in any of the above catagories, I suspect you will be out of
          luck in getting the benefit of the doubt.

          Ken WM2C

>From robert penneys <penneys@freezer.cns.udel.edu>  Tue Feb  8 01:30:51 1994
From: robert penneys <penneys@freezer.cns.udel.edu> (robert penneys)
Subject: NERDS CW Sprint results
Message-ID: <9402080130.AA21524@freezer.cns.udel.edu>

Lotta no shows. 3 logs.

KE3Q       242x38    9196
WA4PGM     226x39    8814
WN3K       173x34    5882

Total        23,892

Hope to have ten on Sat and still need a couple. How 'bout it?

Bob WN3K

>From DKMC" <dkmc@chevron.com  Tue Feb  8 02:00:23 1994
From: DKMC" <dkmc@chevron.com (DKMC)
Subject: Requiring Electronic Logs
Message-ID: <CPLAN065.DKMC.4966.1994 02070912 0912>

 Microsoft Mail v3.0 IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note
 From: McCarty, DK 'David'
 Subject:  Requiring Electronic Logs
 Fixed Font: 0001
 Message ID: F25D8F8E
 Conversation ID: F25D8F8E


 The primary goal is to get as many *logs* submitted as possible.

 Getting the electronic ones is a secondary goal, related to
 improving checking of the results.

 Question for CQ and ARRL:
 fztrqHow many logs (fraction of total) does the sponsoring
 fztrqorganization receive which are printed by a computer,
 fztrqbut no disk accompanies the entry?  How many logs
 fztrq(again, fraction of total) come on disk?

 I think the way to get more in electronically is to make
 electronic entries one of the following:

 fztrqCheaper (diskettes are lighter, if paper not required)
 fztrqEasier (paper can be a pain/internet is fast)
 fztrqMore valuable.

 More valuable might mean sending an sase with my diskette for a
 return of my diskette with feedback and statistics on it (e.g.,
 which contacts were found to be bad and why).  If the answer to
 the question above is significant, perhaps software could be
 developed by the sponsor to provide this benefit as an incentive.

 David K. McCarty, K5GN

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