475 QSOs, 1013 QSO points, 64 sections, 5 DX mults = 69,897 points total
Not great condx. Not much New England or Eastern Canada, 18 JAs, no VK/ZL,
no VS6 and didn't even hear KH6! Never heard East Coast working EU either.
Anybody work EU?
After this, I guess I'm ready for next weekend in the 10 meter contest! I'm
watching the propagation reports and the bands to see if it will be a
quieter version of this weekend or a pick-me-up.....hope to work you all.
73, Mike AA7NX
Michael R. Conatore
(503) 294-6769
IBM Oregon Trading Area
1211 S. W. Fifth Avenue Suite 1000 Portland, Oregon 97204
>From aa2du@attmail.com (J P Kleinhaus ) Mon Dec 6 01:13:11 1993
From: aa2du@attmail.com (J P Kleinhaus ) (J P Kleinhaus )
Subject: 160 Contest
It's interesting that the suggestions offered to fix the ARRL 160 contest
are to add DX to DX credit. In the ARRL DX Contest, there is also no DX to
DX credit but I don't think we have a lack of participation there. I would
be very interested in hearing *any* suggestions you have in regards to
improving the ARRL contests. If you send me a suggestion, please send
a hard copy to the ARRL contest department as well, so it can be circulated
to the entire CAC as well.
73 to all, J.P. AA2DU
Hudson Division CAC Rep.
PS. You can send a copy of your message to Blunt@arrl.org and the contest
department will be covered.
>From Takao Kumagai <je1cka@asuka.aerospace-lab.go.jp> Mon Dec 6 10:41:08 1993
From: Takao Kumagai <je1cka@asuka.aerospace-lab.go.jp> (Takao Kumagai)
Subject: Program reading CW to log-program - any use?
Message-ID: <9312060141.AA11447@asuka.aerospace-lab.go.jp>
Hi Mikko
Our JCCC member JA1KFX has been developing the logging software "LGR" on
JA original DOS machine, NEC PC98 series actually. While development
I asked him to have the feature to decode the keyer-cw-code to
data entry. LGR decodes the keyer-cw-code only while pushing alt-key.
So you can send any message with the paddle. But this does not work
on IBM compatibles and all codes were written in MASM very dependent
on the hardware. I once asked him to convert it to TSR for IBM but
it seems impossible because above reasons.
In JA many contesters wish to use the logging software but many
people does not use yet. Why? We are not familiar with keyboard.
So these cw-decode TSR will be appreciated here in JA.
Tack je1cka
>From XMSJ29A@prodigy.com (MR JAMES A WHITE) Mon Dec 6 02:58:46 1993
Subject: New Club Forming
Message-ID: <025.00106343.XMSJ29A@prodigy.com>
QST de K1ZX...new contest club forming
Florida CW Contest Group wants you...interested?
Contact: Jim White, K1ZX via Email @ XMSJ29A@PRODIGY.COM
(813) 989-8873
5605 East 127 Avenue
Tampa, FL 33617
Paul Evans, G4BKI
(813) 874-2980
1120 Clairborne Street
Holiday, FL 34690
>From Randy A Thompson <K5ZD@world.std.com> Mon Dec 6 03:37:14 1993
From: Randy A Thompson <K5ZD@world.std.com> (Randy A Thompson)
Subject: ARRL 160 Contest
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9312052214.A28622-0100000@world.std.com>
It has always been interesting to me that the ARRL 160 Contest has better
W/VE participation that the CQ 160 contest. QSO totals are usually 200
or more higher for the top stations in ARRL vs CQ. This indicates that
the contest is extremely healthy.
Now, how do we improve the DX activity to make it more interesting? The
usual contest marketing strategies could be tried.
- Plaques?
- Send results to all DX entrants (similar to WAEDXC)
- Participation awards for DX stations making more than 25 QSOs!
We must remember that the ARRL 160 contest is only 6 days after the
biggest contest in the world - CQ WW CW! I think this has more to do
with lack of participation than anything (it sure keeps my activity level
We could make the contest more entertaining by having 24 hours (Sat) on
CW and the second 24 hours (Sun) on Phone! Think about that one!
73 - Randy, K5ZD