That is a bunch of antenna on one mast! You might want to model
the interaction of the proposed layout before you find out that
several bands don't work.
The equations for mast design are outlined by W7NI in three NCJ
articles. Mar/Apr 1993, Sep/Oct 1982 and Mar/Apr 1983. You'll find
them very helpful.
Open up those Hy Gain traps and see what is going on! You may
find that you can repair the problem without having to purchase new
ones. After all someone had to put them together in the first
]The old standard ring rotors have a bracket in the center of the
tower which makes it difficult to put them on a crank up tower. The
new model does not have the center brackets so they may work for you.
I am looking for a used old ring rotor if you know of one that is for
sale, drop me a note.
Is there a contest on this weekend? I am getting bored....
Tim K3LR