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DXNL-No.: 823 de DARC

Subject: DXNL-No.: 823 de DARC
From: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Wed Dec 16 15:42:00 1992

DX @WW           de:DL3HAH 14.12.92 05:23  30  11709 Bytes

921214/0339z DB0FP , 921214/0341z DB0DNI, 921214/0330z DK0MAV
921214/0413a DB0AGM, 921213/1201z DB0HB

                    DXNL 823 - Dec 14, 1992

                 DX-NEWS LETTER published weekly
         by the DARC e.V. DX and HF-Radio Sport Section

                Editor: Thomas T Milde, DL1HBT
                        Compeweg 2
                        W2100 Hamburg 90
                        Fed. Rep. of Germany
                Phone:  (+49) 40-765 86 43
                Fax:    (+49) 40-765 97 11
                PR-BBS: DL1HBT @ DB0HB.DEU.EU
         HF-DX-Bulletin: DK0DX (Fr. 3745 kHz/1700 UTC)

DX-NL orders     :  DARC, P.O. Box 1155, W3507 Baunatal 1, Germany
Payment          :  Postgiroamt Hannover 12359-306, BLZ 200 100 30
Prices (per year):  DARC members: 60,- DM; non-members:  80,- DM;
                    EU:          +10,- DM; Airmail:     +30,- DM

Tnx:    BARF80 BBS c/o OPDX Bulletin, LNDX, DXNS, TDXB, DK7LA,
        DL1SBF, DL5KZA; Deadline for DXNL 824: Dec 17 for Packet (dl1hbt @
        db0hb.deu.eu) and Fax (+49-40-7659711)


DL, Germany - The special event station DL0ITU  will be aired by
        DF9LB, DJ7SW, DK7LA and DL1FL until the end of this month.
        Attention DOK-hunters: the station carries the DOK "ITU". Look for
        them on CW: 3530, 7030, 14030, 21030 and 28030 kHz; SSB: 3675,
        7070, 14270, 21270 and 28570 kHz. QSL via bureau. Direct requests:
        CW via DJ7SW//SSB via DK7LA (CBA'93).


BV, Taiwan - TDXB reports several BVs on 80m recently. Check
        around 3503 kHz at 1430z. Active stations include BV7JA, BV2A and
        BV2D  J. The address of the BV-bureau is: Box 93, Taipei, TAIWAN,
        Republic of China.
S2, Bangladesh - Thanks to INDEXA and WZ6C, S21B finally got on
        the air on Nov 23. He is using an Icom 730 and wire antennas. QSL
        via W4FRU. - Eric (WZ6C  ) has finally been issued the call S21ZG.
        His license is dated Dec 7 and is good until the end of the year.
        Eric has already requested for a renewal through 1993. QSL via
XU, Kampuchea - Activity by XU7VK began in early December. The
        operator is Sanyi (HA7VK), he was active on 14014 kHz around
        1900z. QSL via HA0HW. - John (PA3BTQ) is in Phnom Penh until the
        end of Jan'93. He has been issued the call sign XU6TQ. John is
        working on the installation of Int. Red Cross radio equipment. His
        QSL manager is PA0EQ. Check the following CW-QRGs: 14050 and 21050
        kHz; SSB: 14315 and 21315 kHz. Time permitting he will also appear
        on OSCAR-13 Mode B = uplink: 435508 kHz LSB; downlink: 145890 kHz.


3D2r, Rotuma - 3D2AM will stay on Rotuma until the end of this
FK, New Caledonia - LNDX reports Eddy (FK8CR) being QRV on 80m
        looking for European stations.


6Y, Jamaica - (NA-097) Alan (G3XAQ) will put his QRP signal on 20m
        CW until Dec 21. Check 14025 kHz starting around 1200z. QSL via
        home call.
TI, Costa Rica - Jimmie (N9IUO) will sign TI2IDX until Jan 6 on
        CW/SSB 10-160m.


C5, The Gambia - Rich, K3IPK, who was active lately at 6W
        (Senegal), is now active as C56/K3IPK. His length of stay is
        unknown, but he has been very active on 7006 kHz between 2300-
        0230z. Also, check 10122 kHz around 2030z and 21029 kHz around
D2, Angola - N2QHO/D2 says he'll be in Angola for 2 years, SSB
        only. QSL route to be announced later.
TR, Gabon - According to LNDX, TR8NSY is active on CW only after
        2200z on 7 MHz.
ZS, South Africa - ZS1DAS will be active Dec 15 th ru 19 from
        Dassen Island (new for IOTA) on 10-40m plus 2m/6m SSB (CW on
        request). QSL via bureau.
5X, Uganda - Wilfried (DJ5RT) and Baldur (DJ6SI) went QRT as 5X5WR
        on Dec 11. There has been set up a special postal box to help with
        the over flow of cards that will be sent. QSL to P.O. Box 122, W-
        8209 Schlossberg, Federal Republic of Germany. All documentation
        for 5X5WR is approved for DXCC.

                        Focus on the Antarctic Region
                                 (tnx TDXB)

The current summer season in the Antarctic region means a dramatic
increase in the number of amateur stations. Among the most active
        HF0POL (South Shetlands, QSL via SP9DWT) 80m-0300-0500z, 14014
           kHz/0030z; VP8GAV (Antarctica, QSL GM0LVI) 1833 kHz/0300z, 3505
        kHz/0130-0330z, 7005 kHz/2300z, 10102 kHz/2100-2300z, 14022
        kHz/0300z and 28020 kHz/1400z; 4K1YAR (Antarctica, QSL UA3YAR)
        14023 kHz/0100-0300z; KC4AAA (South Pole, QSL NC6J) 14030
        kHz/0200z; KC4/W6REC (Antarctica, QSL W6REC) 14026 kHz/0400z;
        LU1ZA (South Orkneys, QSL LU2CN) 14255 kHz/0400z; VP8VN
        (Falklands, QSL G4LGZ) 14010 kHz/0030z.

There has been some confusion concerning the correct address of
DL1KVC, who currently is in the Antarctica (DXNL 822) signing
DL1KVC/P. Thanks to Bert (DL5KZA) - who checked Helmar's address
with the license authorities in Rosto   ck - here is the mailing
address that must work:
Helmar Pabst (DL1KVC), Ulrich-von-Hutten Str. 29a, O-2510 Rostock
5, Germany, EUROPE. (tnx Bert!)

                                Upcoming DX

                -17.12.            A35 (SM0's)     821
                -Aug'95         BY (F's)        812
                -April'93       C21BR           822
                                C21NI (DL1VU)   817
        15.12.  -11.1.          C6AGN           822
                QRV             C9REI           819
                                  DU1/DL1VU       817
                -Sep'93         D2EL            821
                -Nov'95         N2QHO/D2        823
                -Aug'95         ET3JR           806
                Dec             FK (DL's)       809
        Dec     -               FT4WD            818
                Dec             FW (DL's)       809
                QRV             HF0POL          819
        27.2.   -7.3.           HK0 (W's)       822
                -14.1.93        JA9IPX/JD1      815
                -1.2.93         KC4AAF          815
                Feb'93           KC6 (W's)       822
                                KC6/DL1VU       817
        26.1.   -2.2.93         KH1             816/821
                -Dec            KH3AE/AF        801
                                KH5/DL1VU       817
        Feb/Mar'93              KH5 + KH5K      820
        26.3.   -3.4.93         KP1             821
        28.12.  -4.1.           KP5             815/822
        25.2.   -28.2.93        OJ0             821
                -Dec            PY0TSN          816
        11.1.   -18.1.          P4/W1EKT        822
                QRV             S21  ZG (WZ6C)    823
                -6.1.93         TI2IDX (N9IUO)  823
                QRV             TL8NG           817
                -21.12.         TU4SR           819
                                T30CT (DL1VU)   817
                                T31AF (DL1VU)   817
                                 T32VU (DL1VU)   817
                                T33VU (DL1VU)   817
        18.12.  -2.1.93         T5CB            822
                -Jan'93         VK9CB           817
                Feb'93.         VK9LS/LT        807/808
                -10.12.         VP2MT            822
        5.2.    -17.2.          VP2M/K8SJ       822
                -19.12.         VS6GU           822
        1.1.    -28.1.93        V2/VE3BW        817
        22.2.   -24.2.          V31 (W's)       822
        19.12.  -5.1.           V47FV (5Z4FV)   822
        15.12.  -22.12.         K4 FAF/V63       821
                                V63VU (DL1VU)   817
        8.1.    -15.1.          V73 (W's)       822
                -Feb'93         XQ0X            815
                -Dec'92         XT2BW           781
                -24.1.93        XU6TQ           823
                QRV              XU7VK (HA7VK)   797/823
                -Apr'93         XU4OF (DJ4OF)   804
                -Aug'93         XV7TH           812
                -Oct'93         OK1IAI/YA       792
                QRV             YI1MH           822
        26.12.  -2.1.93         YN0YN            819
                -16.12.         ZF2RC           822
                -15.1.93        ZS7ANT          819
                31.12.          3D2AM           823
        29.12.  -15.1.93        3D2 (SM0's)     821
                Dec ?           3W (UA3's)      820
                QRV             4 K1YAR          820
                -Dec'93         5U7M            806
        17.12.  -28.12.         5W (SM0's)      821
        Oct     -               5Z (F2JD)       803
                -21.12.         6Y5 (G3XAQ)     823
        23.1.   -6.2.           8P9DX (VE3ICR)  821
        28.12.  -6. 1.93         8Q7BX (I4ALU)   819
                -end'92         9V1XE           812
                -Aug'94         9X5AB           817

                        From the DXCC
Documentation has been received and approved for Romeo  's 9D0RR
operations from 5th August 1992 to 17th August 1992. Also, QSL
cards for operations by Iranian amateurs for QSOs on 20th August
1988 and after are now being accepted for DXCC. Previously
rejected cards may be returned for DXCC credit. There has be     en a
correction on the date for Croatia and Slovenia that was in the
news release dated 25th November. It was announced that Croatia
(9A) and Slovenia (S5) were added to the list for QSOs made 26th
May 1991 and after. The correct date is their independence  day,
26th June 1991. The DXCC Desk will accept cards after the 1st of
January 1993. Cards received before January 1993 will be returned
without action. (tnx OPDX #089)

            Japan Low Band Cw Test (Jan 8 thru 10)

Five-Nine magazine in Japan sponsors the Japan International
DX Contest. The Contest has been devided into two parts, beginning
this year. The first part is the low-band segment, 2200z Jan 8 to
2200z Jan 10 on 160/80 an   d 40m CW only. Stations outside of Japan
are limited to 30 hours of operation. Categories are: single-
op/all-band; single-op/single-band and multi/single with 10-minute
band- change rule. Exchange RST and CQ Zone from outside Japan and
RST and prefecture     number (01-50) for Japanese. Contacts on 160m
count 4 points each, on 80m 2 points each and on 40m 1 point.
Multipliers are Japanese prefectures plus Minami Torishima,
Ogasawara and Okino Torishima. DXers who work all Japanese
prefectures in the test can g    et a special contest award. Logs by
Feb 28 to Five-Nine Magazine, P.O. Box 59, Kamata, Tokyo 144
Japan.(The high-band part of the test is April 9-11 on 20/15 and
10m) - tnx TDXB!


This Packet Radio edition of DXNL is a service free of charge. It
contains almost all information from the paper-DXNL. Always remember,
that this service can only be continued as long as there are enough
subscribers. If yo   u find PR-DXNL useful, why not become a subscriber
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  • DXNL-No.: 823 de DARC, Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de <=