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QRP S-W-E-E-P-stakes

Subject: QRP S-W-E-E-P-stakes
From: alan@dsd.es.com (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Mon Nov 9 10:05:24 1992
Nice going Jim, and congrats on the SWEEP. You had a great signal up here
in Utah, especially on 20, but then, everyone in W6 is strong up here on 
20 - especially during mid day. As for that bonehead who criticized you
for running QRP; like the old prospectors said, "Pay 'im no mind". He had
a real attitude problem, and he should have shut things off and gone to do
something fun. Me? After calling CQ for several minutes with no takers, I
am glad to have ANYONE call - QRP, low power, high power - I do not care
if the guy is running 10 KW, I will be glad to work him. Sometimes even
having a 7 somewhere in your call does not seem to help .... .. SS can be
a struggle with a KW and beams. QRP and even low power is certainly a 
challenge. CU in the Phone SS.

Alan, K6XO

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