I subscribed to this reflector a long time ago and have never asked anything
before. It seems like there are a lot of problems with the newer Yaesus.
Currently, I'm running my late dad's ft-102. I pulled it out of the attic to
see if it still worked and have been using it for about 5 years now as my
primary rig. I've been looking for a moderately priced (less than the cost of
new car) rig for dxing and contesting (cw and ssb) and that includes a
decent 6 meter section. What do you guys suggest? I still have my FT101e and
also had an FT101zd, so I have some loyalty to the brand (showing my age,
Also, have a Icom 735 gathering dust, but after what I went through with
their service department, I vowed never to but another Icom.
Any ideas, guys?
73 de Steve, KZ2I
Charlotte, NC
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