I thought I would have more of a response to my request for users
input on the hy-tower.
I had 4 to 5 requests for a posting of the responses and only 3
replies by owners.
There responses are as follows:
Roger,N7IRR; uses his for a R7 mount.
Rod, W7ZRC; installed his per the recommended factory specs and used
9000 feet of No. 12 wire for radials. He is in the
process of phasing two hy-towers for 80 meters.
Doug Westover; his only antenna for 30 years, and made honorroll with
his hy-tower. He uses only the 6 ground rods and no
radials, as he states that the only use for the radials
is to stabilize the impedance of the antenna itself. He
also states that the only use for radials is if you have
a poor soil condition.(Like here in Fla.?)
A general thread is the Hy-tower is a rugged antenna, which is obvious to
those who have seen one.
They are considerably more expensive than most other verticals on the
market today.
Another consideration is the hy-tower used no traps, versus the other
verticals on the market that use traps.
So, there you have it!! the sum total of the responses of my request for
hy-tower information. Thanks to those who responded, and I hope that this
may have answered some questions that some may have had.
I used only parts of the responses that were pertinent to my request, if
I have left anything out,I apologize.
John Watson E-Mail Address's: jwatson@unix.cde.com
11113 Camp St.
Leesburg, Fl.
34788-4350 DX...DX...DX... Any Questions