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Re: [WriteLog] What module for new ARRL Digital

To: writelog@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] What module for new ARRL Digital
From: wa1fcn <wa1fcn@charter.net>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2022 08:35:22 -0500
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
    GM John/Randy/Kevin

        Ok you guys convinced me.  It's just that I have never been in a contest where I have not seen
        any score (correct score) to get an idea how I am doing. I 
guess I'll just go with a gut feeling on that part.
             73   BoB WA1FCN

On 5/19/2022 8:01 AM, john@kk9a.com wrote:
I would not worry if Writelog does not calculate the ARRL Digital score
correctly.  If you can enter the callsigns, exchanges and created the proper
cabrillo you should be fine.  If you enjoy FT8, this is no reason not to

FWIW, Writelog does not calculate the WPX score correctly either, at least
the version that I am using does not. It gave points for my Russian QSOs in
WPX Phone which I left in my submitted log.

John KK9A - PJ4R in 2022 WPX Phone.

wa1fcn wrote:

      GM Randy

              Thanks for the info, tho I wish it was that easy.   CQ WW
Digi    is 1 point per 3000 km

              ARRL is 6 points per 3000 km     ARRL has no
multipliers         CQ is 2 character Grid Square

               If Writelog comes up with a module in next 10 days  I am
good to go otherwise I am

               committed to  CQ WPX CW  and will forgo ARRL Digital.

                      All who participate have fun.        73   BoB WA1FCN

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