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Re: [WriteLog] [RttyDigital] No signals showing in DigiRite Receive

To: Don AA5AU <aa5au@bellsouth.net>, Writelog Forum <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] [RttyDigital] No signals showing in DigiRite Receive
From: Gordon LaPoint <gordon.lapoint@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2020 10:58:49 -0500
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
   Changed the size of the DigiRite Receive window and the waterfall showed up!!
So now I know what to do if it happens again.
Gordon - N1MGO

On 12/4/2020 8:57 AM, Don AA5AU wrote:
Check your sound card settings in "sound board mixer control" under the WriteLog program group in the Start menu.

On Friday, December 4, 2020, 03:28:35 AM CST, Gordon - N1MGO <gordon.lapoint@gmail.com> wrote:

I have DigiRite V - built by AA5AU installed with WriteLog
V12.54A.  Its decoding signals just fine but I have a blank waterfall,
with one pixel line at the top that is showing signals, what do I have
set wrong?

Everything else seems to be working, and I used this setup last year for
the FTRoundup without problems.


Gordon - N1MGO

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