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Re: [WriteLog] WL v12 can't see rig (ICOM 756 Pro III)

To: writelog@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] WL v12 can't see rig (ICOM 756 Pro III)
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <w4tv@subich.com>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 10:45:14 -0400
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
is available in Router (Help | Download Documents) or in the MK II area
at www.microHAM-USA.com/support.html.

In "Router" software, in the "ports" tab, we've selected "none" for
CAT port for use with WL - and operability improved (is this because
CI-V is doing the job, and is somehow connected up to the radio (or
should) behind-the-scenes without a COM port for CAT established?
You *MUST* establish a virtual port for CAT/CIV in Router (CAT port)
and use that same port number in WriteLog -> Setup | Ports *AS SHOWN*
*IN THE EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION*.   Make sure the transceiver, Router
and WriteLog are all using the same *fixed* data rate.


  ... Joe, W4TV

On 5/13/2016 10:03 AM, Ray Day wrote:
Hi all,

I'm helping a new convert to WL get up and running, but am stumped with this
problem: WL v12 shows "No Rig" (in the QSO Entry window where FREQ/MODE
shows up).

Win 10, WL v12 program in C:\HAM\WRITELOG

ICOM 756 Pro 3 using CI-V (note: I think this is where the problem is, as I
don't have an ICOM radio and don't understand CI-V rig control vs the COM
ports I've used for years)

microKEYER II interface with "Router" software: in System Settings, Radio
Pro III is selected, 9600, CI-V, 6E. MK2 tracks radio freq fine. The REMOTE
cable end from the MK2 harness is connected to the REMOTE jack on the Pro 3.
MK2 reads Pro 3 freq fine. In "Router" software, in the "ports" tab, we've
selected "none" for CAT port for use with WL - and operability improved (is
this because CI-V is doing the job, and is somehow connected up to the radio
(or should) behind-the-scenes without a COM port for CAT established?

N3FJP Amateur Contact log connects fine to radio through MK2 and shows
frequency radio is tuned to

MMTTY software connects through MK2 and works fine, as does JT65-HF
software, if this matters

In WL, Setup/Ports: COM6 (port was established by MK2 "Router" software)
chosen for CW (Winkey used)(no rig, default, poll checked, NO for Comm PTT.
Also, COM14 (same port ACL logger looks to and works fine with)(WL and ACL
not running at same time) has Icom Pro 3 chosen as radio, default, poll
checked, NO for Comm PTT. Should we just ignore rig control port choice in
WL / SETUP / PORTS (I.e., don't show Pro 3 there)? Would the CI-V system
somehow know what to do for rig control?

Trying to set a manual entry in the QSO Entry Box after clicking on the
on-the-left FREQ/MODE box for setup of freq/mode doesn't work (no rig
communication, so that figures)

I hope the above info is enough to determine what our problem is. I suspect
it's in the COM14 vs CI-V setup somewhere, but am not sure. I think that the
CI-V arrangement works similarly to a COM serial port, but how to define it
in WL as the "port" WL uses to get freq/mode to/from the Pro 3? Or do we?

I'm posting this with both the WL and microKEYER Groups..

Thanks in advance,


Ray N6HE for N6HE and NG6R

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