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Re: [WriteLog] Win 10 - Issue w/CW via Serial Port

To: Ron Lodewyck <rwlodewyck@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Win 10 - Issue w/CW via Serial Port
From: "Al Burnham (K6RIM)" <k6rim@pacbell.net>
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 22:41:18 -0700
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>

My specific question is: how can I get computer generated CW to work in Writelog (and Logger32)?
Computer generated CW worked fine in Win 7.

Nothing has changed with my computer except that I just upgraded to Win 10.

If you need facts in addition to those I set forth in my original message, tell me what additional facts would be helpful.
With thanks and 73,



On 8/4/2015 10:24 PM, Ron Lodewyck wrote:
Hi Al,

I just finished installing a new Dell i7 desktop computer running Windows 10. Writelog works perfectly including CW and RTTY (both MMTTY and 2Tone working AOK).
I use an EdgePort USB to 4 COM port adapter which installed 
automatically under Windows 10 with no special driver needed. I use 
homebrew keying circuits like those on AA5AU's RTTY web site.
All in all, Windows 10 was easy to install on the new computer and 
fresh installs of MMTTY, Writelog, 2Tone, DX Labs Suite, and WSJT-X 
(JT65/JT9) all went smoothly and worked first try with my K3.
Let me know if I can help with any specific questions.  GL and 73,
Ron N6EE

On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 9:22 PM, Al Burnham (K6RIM) <k6rim@pacbell.net <mailto:k6rim@pacbell.net>> wrote:
    Just downloaded Windows 10 to my 64-bit PC and starting to learn
    the ropes.

    Only known issue, so far, is CW generation using Writelog (current
    version) and Logger32 (current version).

    I use the computer to generate CW. Radio is connected to computer
    via PCI serial card.

    CW generation has worked 100% using Writelog or Logger32 with all
    previous versions of Windows.

    I checked to see if there was a more current driver for the serial
    card, but it (supposedly) is current.

    The serial ports for radio control, rotor, etc. all work fine -
    but not for CW.

    Helpful suggestions appreciated.

    With thanks and 73,

    Al, K6RIM

-- Albert C. Burnham
    45 Berens Drive
    Kentfield, CA 94904

    Cell: (415) 810-4839 <tel:%28415%29%20810-4839>
    email: k6rim@pacbell.net <mailto:k6rim@pacbell.net>

    WriteLog mailing list
    WriteLog@contesting.com <mailto:WriteLog@contesting.com>
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Albert C. Burnham
45 Berens Drive
Kentfield, CA 94904

Cell: (415) 810-4839
email: k6rim@pacbell.net

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WriteLog on the web:  http://www.writelog.com/

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