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[WriteLog] WriteLog 7th Area QSO Party

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] WriteLog 7th Area QSO Party
From: "\(K7ZO\) Scott Tuthill" <k7zo@cableone.net>
Date: Sun, 5 May 2013 10:31:03 -0600
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
Mike and Gary -- in my experience this has been a problem with the 7th Area QSO party module since it was first created. As the log size builds it can drag down the performance of typical older PC's used for logging. It probably has to do with the complexity of the module and its interaction with the WriteLog core. Having never written a module I can't claim to know for sure -- I am glad though a 7QP module exists for Writelog. (Even though there is not Digital Mode support and it does not score quite right. But it is close enough.)
One thing you can try, which we found worked at NK7U, is to turn off the 
automatic scoring and duping. I have not tried this with V11 releases but it 
used to really help with V10 releases. (We didn't run a major 7QP operation 
at NK7U this year so I don't have any data.) Look in the Contest drop down 
for "Set for Automatic Rescoring...."
If you get a chance try it out let me know know what you find.



I was just dinking around in the 7th Area QSO Party with my non-contest
general logger.  I have never used the WL module for this contest so when I
saw your email I started up WL, started the module and quickly configured
some of the macro memories and worked a few stations.  At first I didn't
notice anything out of sorts, but as I played with it a bit longer I began
notice some delays on send when I press an F key.  I didn't really notice a
delay when using space to move to the next field, but I do notice a delay
when logging the QSO with SHIFT+ENTER.  I was also trying to make a few QSOs
in the ARI DX Contest, but didn't notice any such problems when running that
module.  I am also running Vista.

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- From: "K2MK" <k2mk at comcast.net>
To: "WriteLog Reflector" <WriteLog at CONTESTING.COM>
Sent: May 04, 2013 11:08 AM
Subject: [WriteLog] 7th Area QSO Party

I'm experiencing the same problem I posted about a year ago with regard to
the 7th Area QSO Party. I have not experienced similar symptoms on any
other contest module. Last year I was using version 10.84D and this year
I'm using 11.06A. Same exact problem.There is a distinct slowness in the

Typing in a field does not produce visible keystrokes on the screen for a
half second and pressing an F key to send a CW message results in the
message being sent a half second later. Other functions are also slow such
as hitting the space bar to change fields and clicking on a spot in the
band map. As before I have tried closing all other programs and restarting
my PC (Vista). No improvement. Am I again the only person experiencing
this problem? Is anybody else using WriteLog for this contest?

Mike K2MK

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