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Re: [WriteLog] [PstRotator] Re: Newbie question PstRotatorAZ

To: "Radio Station K0HB" <kzerohb@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] [PstRotator] Re: Newbie question PstRotatorAZ
From: "Gary AL9A" <al9a@mtaonline.net>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 20:13:13 -0800
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>

Alt+A eh.  I think I can rememger that one.  Thanks.

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- From: "Radio Station K0HB" <kzerohb@gmail.com>
To: "Gary AL9A" <al9a@mtaonline.net>
Cc: "WriteLog Reflector" <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: October 25, 2012 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] [PstRotator] Re: Newbie question PstRotatorAZ

In clarification of my earlier, the rotor turns only on occasion of <alt-a>, not on every call entry.

de Hans, K0HB
"Just a boy and his radio"

On Oct 25, 2012, at 20:08, "Gary AL9A" <al9a@mtaonline.net> wrote:

Hans has made a timely posting, at least for me. I have never had my rotor, a Create Design RC5A, interfaced to WL because it is too old and the controller lacks the communication ability. The rotor is still going, but my control box is beginning to show its age and is giving me problems. I am considering replacing it with the Green Heron RT-21 which would allow me to interface the control box with WL. It uses a "superset" of the DCU-1 protocol so I should be able to define it correctly to work in WL.
My question is after getting the rotor interfaced to WL, how do I control 
it?  I haven't found anything in the Help manual yet about sending 
commands from WL to the controller.  I wouldn't want the rotor to start 
turning to a different direction each time I enter a call with a different 
beam heading, but how is this controlled from the program?  Any help 
before I slap my credit card on the counter would be appreciated.
Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- From: "Radio K0HB" <kzerohb@gmail.com>
To: <PstRotator@yahoogroups.com>; "WriteLog Reflector" <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: October 25, 2012 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] [PstRotator] Re: Newbie question PstRotatorAZ

And nothing happens.

I have set up first PstRotatorAZ, clicked “Tracking”, and selected WriteLog from tracker list. A small “DDE” window is opened.
Then opened WriteLog to setup new contest (CQWW DX).  In setup of 
rotator, selected “MSG” and “Sartek” as shown on page 28.
Now, from main Writelog operating screen, nothing seems to affect the 
rotator.  (Previously <alt-a> would set rotor bearing)
What next?

73, de Hans, K0HB
"Just a boy and his radio"
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From: Codrut
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 6:44 PM
To: PstRotator@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [PstRotator] Re: Newbie question

The answer is yes. You can find how to set Writelog to communicate with PstRotatorAz in the User Manual (Help / User manual), page 28.
--- In mailto:PstRotator%40yahoogroups.com, "K0HB" <kzerohb@...> wrote:
Please excuse questions from a FNG at the foot of the steep part of the 
learning curve. Just bought and registered PstRotatorAZ this afternoon.
My two logging programs are WriteLog for contesting and CommCat for 
general purpose logging.
My rotor is a Tailtwister, using Rotor-EZ from Idiom Press.

The documentation for PstRotator tells me that it will interface with (for example) Writelog.
Now WriteLog already can run my Rotor-EZ (just press <alt-a> and 
WriteLog sends new bearing to Rotor-EZ.
I have other reasons for using PstRotatorAZ, but wondering what (if any) 
additional function does PstRotatorAZ throw into the mix beyond the 
native WriteLog capability?

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